Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [subord] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology , or rather because it does n't require image decompression , 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 seconds , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
2 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology or rather because it does n't require image decompression 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 second , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
3 Radio and TV can react even more quickly than daily newspapers , with an item going on air only an hour or so after it has been received .
4 You should try to prevent this situation arising , possibly by exercising the dog on the leash for a day or so if it has shown a tendency to behave in this fashion in the past .
5 Therefore y it does not matter whether there is will or not because it passes to the survivor independently of what a will may say .
6 Do they do it all at once , or in chronological order , or just as it seems to emerge ?
7 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
8 To start with , it 's not at all clear these days what people mean by it , or even whether it exists any longer .
9 It is only by alleviating frustration immediately , or even before it becomes experienced , Robarchek argues , that the Semai are able to be so non-violent .
10 The government of the day will often let it be known to one of its aspiring party members that it would greatly welcome his ballot victory to promote a particular piece of legislation which it , the Government , does not wish to devote its own time to , either because of its controversial nature or simply because it has better things to do .
11 Muon catalysed fusion may be only one miracle short of practical realisation , but as yet we do not know where that miracle will come from , nor even whether it exists .
12 But nationally and locally because it seems that the answer to crime is , the decision was reached with the Chief Constable and the chairman of the police committee with very little reference to and the deputy and we were not consulted on whether or not it should take place or ask what problems we would encounter we were told it was taking place .
13 This computer is a pretty pathetic one basically and it ca n't hold very much information programme and so once it 's had five records fed into it 's memory it 's full up which is pretty pathetic given the size of each record .
14 It will still bob up and down as it hits the successive wavefronts .
15 If and only if it does , that route is followed , which means counting how many of the 26 bits are set up to and including the required one , to establish which member of the pointer array to follow to the next level in the tree .
16 In doing so it attempts to limit the effects of the imbalance to the most superficial levels — in other words , the physical level — and only if it fails to do so will emotional imbalances , or if the stresses go deeper , mental imbalances , be manifest .
17 This way of putting the question reveals a sound judgement of the school curriculum : it has to be related to a child 's needs , and justified if and only if it satisfies those needs .
18 When the War Altar charges into combat ( and only when it charges ) the sounding of the Horn strikes terror into the charged enemy unit .
19 The there are parish ministers who are willing to listen and long before it reaches the stage of lawyers and divorce .
20 Never mind that this is very seldom what happens when a bullet strikes a forehead and especially when it comes out at the back of the head .
21 In general , a newly proposed theory will be acceptable as worthy of the consideration of scientists if it is more falsifiable than its rival , and especially if it predicts a new kind of phenomenon not touched on by its rival .
22 Introducing research into the curriculum is justifiable provided that it is used to expand the student 's intellectual horizons , and not because it propels students towards becoming embryonic researchers .
23 And just because it looks like a wild boar with the striped marking or ‘ agouti ’ ( long snout , straight tail and small pointy ears ) , can it be accepted as such without a genetic test ?
24 And just because it looks easy to use a mouse and icons to develop new database applications , it does n't mean that you can forget all about the coding side .
25 And just as it has been designed to satisfy their requirements ( not always necessarily with equal success ) , they come to find themselves serving its interests .
26 However , if part of that heartwood were found on an archaeological site , the radiocarbon result would not provide the date of usage of the wood , but rather a date three hundred radiocarbon years earlier , and more if it has been seasoned before use or re-used .
27 Withdrawal now tends to be discouraged , partly because it is thought to be another form of segregation within the ordinary school , and therefore in danger of isolating and stigmatising children , and partly because it deprives children of access to lessons and activities available to other children .
28 But this ploy fails , partly because such a conception fails to tell us what is to count as ‘ adding 2 ’ , and partly because it relies upon a smooth interpretation of ‘ every ’ ; but we could ask about ‘ every ’ the same questions as we are asking about' + 2' , for there is always the possibility that someone should after a while begin to use ‘ every ’ as we would use ‘ every other ’ , maintaining that he was the only one in step .
29 The insertion of an adequate Human factors approach into a comprehensive design process is not easy , partly for the reason mentioned already that it has not habitually been regarded as necessary and partly because it cuts across all other decision-making .
30 Academically the traits approach has been very largely discredited , partly because of its lack of precision and partly because it has demonstrably not worked in identifying the most effective leaders , yet it is still the most commonly used approach .
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