Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [subord] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Although their protection was n't evident Millie was conscious of it , and there were times when she felt as hemmed in as she had done during that tortured year or more when guarded by the sisters .
2 The side walls of the fire brick can be moved in or out as needed by the type of work proposed , with 10–12in sufficient for most tool work .
3 One of the major problems with this is that the private benefits accruing to households or families who take up either family planning or conservation measures are often not clear — either as perceived to exist by households themselves or even as calculated by economic models .
4 Lyons could legitimately maintain that scribal records have some potential , according to the institutions in which they are developed and used , for reliability as defined in that culture or even as defined by him .
5 Building Energy Management ( BEM ) systems can now operate the CHP generation plant automatically , ramping its output up and down as reflected by the power load called for by the BEM 's control of the building .
6 We have therefore sought only one in-depth interview with each family so far , about six months after the positive screening test ; any other direct contact with the families has been limited and only when sought by them .
7 Whether or not he was right in thinking that he had allowed his music to be led by and all but overwhelmed by Auden 's words Paul Bunyan marked the end of his close collaboration with Auden .
8 In the final analysis it must be recognised that the ECMs are demand determined , their ability to provide large loans quickly and efficiently as required by banks , multinational corporations and governments being the main justification for their existence .
9 Even Masonic anti-feminism surfaces in The Magic Flute : the Queen of the Night is condemned for over-ambition ; while her daughter 's trials are far greater than Tamino 's — at least he understands why he is obliged to undergo them , while Pamina is told nothing and is expected to bear her tribulations patiently and obediently until redeemed by the love of a good man .
10 They agreed to phase them out on the same timetable applying in their own countries , and faster than required by the Montreal Protocol ( the international agreement on protecting the ozone layer — see ED 52 ] .
11 She 'd woven fantasies of its sting across her tail , but only if applied by him .
12 Walker , for example , reports on Pavlov 's success in training one dog to salivate to middle C , whether played on a clarinet , tuning fork , or organ pipe , but to no other note varying by more than a semitone however played ; whereas another animal reacted to any notes but only when reproduced by one particular instrument ( 1983 : 246 ) .
13 But even when killed by colour-blind predators the moths are not victims of any capricious cosmic indeterminacy ; for each of their deaths is a causally determined event .
14 Most ancient and medieval writers thought of human life not as a continuous development but instead as punctuated by a number of sudden changes from one ‘ age ’ to the next .
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