Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 've spent a lot of time on this job — or rather wasted a lot of time — it meant a great deal to me . "
2 in all honesty ans answer what he said , you more or less made a statement and said yes I am er but I , I know all about the products and I 'll give you best advice .
3 In practice , unless the employer can show that the employee has copied or physically removed a list of names or the details of a process then it may be very difficult to establish that the knowledge of the employee is exclusively due to confidential information .
4 Writing in 1783 , long before social anthropology had assumed any coherent shape or even possessed a name , the eighteenth-century French social philosopher , J. J. Rousseau proclaimed our guiding assumption : ‘ One needs to look near at hand if one wants to study men : but to study man one must learn to look from afar : one must first observe differences in order to discover attributes . ’
5 Since Hannah lived in total isolation for more than twenty-five years , never married or even formed a relation ship with a man , it is not surprising that most of the care and affection she had to offer was lavished on animals .
6 I have never met or even seen a member of the Royal Family .
7 Or even told a lie ? ’
8 I have n't eaten a meal or even had a cup of tea for a whole week . ’
9 Or maybe used a plastic stencil . ’
10 Dai and Meirion were two other company stalwarts who regularly pitched in with building work in their spare time , or else organized a shift system with the other printers , almost all of whom were happy to volunteer for manual labour .
11 We had a Debating Society in school which was pretty tough — if you dropped clangers , missed the point or otherwise made a clown of yourself , it was remembered throughout the following week until you had a chance to redeem yourself .
12 Of those who are remembered , the more distant or briefly glimpsed a grandparent , the more likely the recollection is to be no more than an external image .
13 The drivers roared round tight corners and skilfully navigated a twisty , bendy and muddy course .
14 At the same time as the petition was being circulated , the Action Committee wrote and widely circulated a letter that anyone , anywhere , could send to their own MPs .
15 He ruminated on the idea and nervously plucked a cigarette from the green onyx box beside the telephone .
16 We think that retributivists and denunciationists are right to insist that there is no justification for punishing someone who has not deliberately and wrongfully broken a just law and thereby exercised a freedom to which they are not entitled ( because to do so has diminished other people 's freedom or has threatened to do so ) .
17 We carried on and eventually devised a plan .
18 Leaving the car , Gerry Matthews and I walked up a steep hill , past an eerie standing stone , and eventually reached a mound at the hilltop ringed by a deep moat .
19 We stayed close to the radio and eventually heard a repeat of what proved to be Marshal Badoglio 's first and last broadcast to the nation , uttered in a mournful voice :
20 We found , and searched , a by-now passengerless train and eventually located a luggage van containing an enormous , hairy , and morose dog in one corner and a small morose guard in the other .
21 While the others went on to further success he fought and eventually won a battle against alcoholism , but his writing partnership with Cleese did not survive it , and , at his own choice , he was not a member of the Python film company Prominent Features .
22 Confrontation with the United States was followed by the more dramatic confrontations with the French at Moruroa atoll where the goaded French beat up Greenpeace 's skipper , McTaggart , rammed a protest boat and eventually murdered a photographer who went down with the sabotaged Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour in July 1985 .
23 Dauntless kept an eye on the tree trunks to the side of the path and eventually spotted a growth of swage mushroom , just above head height .
24 She rummaged around in a handbag as big as my trumpet case and eventually found a length of till receipt from a grocery store .
25 Finding decent practice facilities was a constant headache , leading to some crazy situations ; in St Vincent , for example , Ken Barrington , the assistant manager , hunted all over for a place for Boycott to practise , and eventually found a piece of flat ground near the airport which had ducks waddling around and a donkey at long leg .
26 When we reached the house , however , he rummaged about in the office for a while complaining that he could never find anything on Dee-Dee 's days off and eventually brought a paper into the dining-room , plonked it on the table and instructed me to sign .
27 The first version of the Robert Cray band came together in 1974 , and slowly built a following around America 's North West coast .
28 Apart from the odd wrangle over samples , the two opponents have enjoyed a fairly benign standoff , and thankfully avoided a revival of the late-Seventies ' punk vs disco debate .
29 More generally , governments in Japan , the US , and Europe have promoted and lavishly funded a number of large-scale pre-competitive research consortia ( such as the VSLI consortium , SEMATECH , MCC , ESPRIT , and others ) , and antitrust law and practice in both the US and Europe have become noticeably more lenient with the passage of the National Co-operative Research Act in 1984 and the announcement of the block exemption from Article 85 in the EEC for certain categories of R&D agreements in 1985 .
30 She never danced again and rarely attended a theatre .
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