Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 The master is liable for wrongful acts and defaults of his servant — though they may be unauthorized or even forbidden by him — so long as they are done within the scope of the employment .
2 By Ord 29 , r 1A , a copy of the peremptory order should be served , that is handed , to the recalcitrant party before he leaves the court building , or else posted to him , or through his solicitor — by the " proper officer " ; if delivery can not be effected in one or other of these ways , the order is to be delivered to the party for whose benefit the order has been made , and he should then have it served personally .
3 A person in possession of a moveable chattel ( e.g. a painting ) who loses it , or has it stolen from him or otherwise taken from him against his will can demand it back within five years from any person who then has possession of it [ Art .
4 A servant of the Crown is not himself liable for contracts made by him on behalf of the Crown , nor is he liable as a principal for the acts or defaults of his subordinates unless expressly authorized or subsequently ratified by him .
5 Inside the hall of the house in Maryon Park Gardens , a tearful , frightened little man was explaining that his name was Bill Pitkin , that he was not Terry Place , that he had never seen Terry Place nor ever heard of him .
6 The first is that the £20 deposit required on hiring the punt was secured by means of a personal cheque drawn on Dennis 's account and duly signed by him .
7 It is notable too that this liberal interpretation is proposed by the jurist , and merely adopted from him by the emperor .
8 Visited by Tom Pinch on market day and fondly imagined by him to be ‘ a very desperate sort of place ; an exceedingly wild and dissipated city ’ , MC 5 .
9 His interests and habits had been too strictly and personally framed for him to be anything less than completely reliant on them .
10 the driving by the Policyholder of any motor car not belonging to him and not hired to him under a Hire Purchase Agreement .
11 The king also retained a considerable range of prerogative powers , those inherent in the office of king and not conferred on him by legislation or the common law .
12 She waved and then crossed her arms to lean on the fence and thus indicated to him that there was no hurry , there was nothing urgent .
13 I pulled over and just cruised past him .
14 Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box : they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box .
15 I hated the growing fear my father ( and we ) shared during his illness , that he would mess the bed , and once suggested to him that all families should be required once a month to show each other the contents of their potties .
16 It also means ensuring that any risk inherent in investment advice is explained to the client and clearly understood by him .
17 He 's married to someone so socially and culturally removed from him she might as well be a foreigner . ’
18 It is almost as if all the punishment , admonishment and educative pressure which the aboriginal child has been spared up to this moment is suddenly and simultaneously inflicted on him ( here , for once , the masculine pronoun does not embrace the feminine because initiation is an exclusively masculine affair ) .
19 Parliament crossed him , always with the greatest respect but implacably , criticised his use of the council to levy an aid for the marriage of his elder daughter without consulting them , doubted if there was a precedent recent enough to justify the aid , and periodically and obstinately restated to him the principle that the king should live ‘ of his own ’ , without demanding that parliament should raise money by taxes for his expenses .
20 She took a deep breath and then hastened after him ; it was cowardly but she was desperate for something , some insight , some new aspect that would save her from having to hate him .
21 She was silent for a while , and then turned to him .
22 The doors flew open to admit him and then closed behind him .
23 Just outside the grille gates — which had opened automatically at his approach and then closed behind him — Newman was lying on his back under his car .
24 A figure appeared , running past the blaze and stumbling his way to the gate , which boomed open and then closed behind him .
25 The Board of Education has now given effect to the intimation conveyed by Mr. Acland and vaguely announced by him at the Annual meeting .
26 Uninvited , she positioned two fingers at the entrance of his arsehole , and crudely thrust into him .
27 Knowing her husband , if he could be led to believe that the royal castle of Berwick might be alienated from the crown and actually given to him for his services , he would be the more apt to accede to the arrangement , being a man of acquisitive mind .
28 But , in this case , we must suppose that he was both immoral and stupid : immoral in producing evidence which he knew to be forged , and stupid in not going further and producing the letters with their forged additions , for he would have known that a similar forgery supporting the monastic community at Canterbury had recently been submitted at Rome , and that it had been accepted and solemnly quoted to him by the pope as genuine .
29 Among the more important Turner oils were ‘ Venus and Adonis ’ ( c .1803 , private collection ) , ‘ Venice from the Porch of Madonna della Salute ’ ( 1837 , commissioned by Munro but not liked by him , later sold , and now in New York , at the Metropolitan Museum ) , ‘ Snow-storm , Avalanche and Inundation ’ ( 1837 , Art Institute , Chicago ) , ‘ Modern Italy , the Pifferari ’ ( Glasgow Art Gallery ) , and ‘ Ancient Italy ’ ( 1838 , private collection ) .
30 The Plymouth Brethren were founded in that year of 1820 , by an Anglican ex-clergyman , on the basis of strict Calvinism , which had been a considerable influence earlier on John Wesley , but not embraced by him .
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