Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] must [be] " in BNC.

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1 Then , realising that sooner or later he must be given a reason for her presence , she repeated the one she had given Stella .
2 Gently and skilfully he must be challenged to think back and think deeply .
3 And so we must be sane .
4 The official receiver as convener of the meeting can require the bankrupt to attend the meeting ( r 6.84 ) and so it must be presumed that matters regarding the bankrupt 's activities can be raised by either the official receiver or those present .
5 It 's not in either of those and so it must be the one that 's closed and I 'm not gon na open that it 's yukky .
6 And so it must be for your test , you see ?
7 " He does n't like me very much , " I explained , and it was the first time I 'd ever realized that " It was a very sad thing not to be liked by your own father , and obviously it must be just as sad not to like your only daughter .
8 Thumb Sucking — If this is done frequently and perniciously it must be taken in hand and treated as a bad habit .
9 Mr. Beazley also relied on the general statements of principle in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Peters case [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 quoted above , which he submitted echoed the general principles laid down in the Gubisch case [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 ; these are important principles , to which full weight must be given , but they can not in my judgment warrant the court placing a construction on the words of article 5(1) which they can not reasonably bear , and moreover they must be balanced against another general principle , laid down for example in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
10 And also we must be prepared to pay a realistic price for their goods — coffee , tea and sugar etc .
11 Unfair advantage of Mrs. Stuart 's confidence in her husband was taken by Mr. Stuart , and also it must be added by Mr. Bruce .
12 The assumptions on which Modigliani and Miller base their model are very important and hence they must be described before proceeding to a formal development .
13 And now we must be on our way again , ’ Mr Carson said .
14 And now I must be going .
15 Smith insists Brugge are still a threat , but Rangers ' journey to Marseille in April appears to be the key to who meets AC Milan — and surely it must be the Italians — in the final .
16 He must know what evidence has been given and what statements have been made affecting him , and then he must be given a fair opportunity to correct or contradict them . "
17 Just a quick drink for a bracer and then it must be done .
18 ‘ He keeps on about Barry Moxton , ’ said William , ‘ and how he must be out of prison now … ’
19 He spoke about how I was very shy and embarassed and how I must be a very holy person .
20 Is n't this is an extraordinary situation , n here is a nurse , a a you know a a kind caring woman , she takes a drug and yet she must be of all people the one person to say , I 'm having a side effect .
21 Everything possible must be done , he wrote , and yet it must be as though nothing had been done .
22 And again I must be frank in telling you , because if I do n't tell you this , one of the maids of the house will likely inform you very shortly , that I 've had two helpers already this year .
23 Records may have to be kept for reference over a long period of time and therefore they must be adequately protected .
24 And therefore they must be carefully looked after .
25 This information is complex and therefore it must be imparted in a language and form that the client can not only understand but also is able to remember .
26 ‘ A conviction is in the nature of a verdict and judgment , and therefore it must be precise and certain .
27 The mammoth was related to but distinct from the modern elephants , and therefore it must be an extinct species of the same genus .
28 But obviously it must be necessary to waive the statutory sectors , versus the non statutory , so it is n't er possible this year , perhaps to put in as we might do if were to be as imprudent as the opposition parties .
29 But further it must be said , in response to the conservative position , that it was not simply a matter of whim or chance that women were not in the past ordained .
30 But each week consists of 168 hours ; you have to work , sleep , and eat but surely it must be possible to find one or two hours somewhere in there just for you .
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