Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] would [vb infin] me " in BNC.

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1 So I would congratulate her on her good prospects as a statesman , or she would warn me of the dangers of dancing all night ; but if the stars looked town they would be no more likely to see her on a rostrum than me on a dance-floor .
2 He fell sideways , but I knew he was n't knocked out , he still kept hold of me , I suddenly felt I had to kill him or he would kill me .
3 I did n't want them in my house or my life , but I did want to know what they were up to , and no-one would tell me .
4 What effectively , I think , I mean I 've never actually sat down because it would be an enormous mistake and nobody would thank me for it , but my guess is that those enormously complex classificated can be understood as a method by which old men rig the system for their own benefit and hide this kinds of ridiculous anonymous and the anomaly basically is the young men end up with old wives
5 And you would like me to provide that management ? ’
6 And who would believe me ? ’
7 Sometimes after school we would visit their house and she would show me all her nice clothes .
8 And she would like me to go to the well women 's clinic every Wednesday it 's run .
9 And she would like me to go , book in for an appointment .
10 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
11 Weeks would go by and he would leave me alone and then it would happen a lot .
12 Last night I was in a furious rage because Edward asked me to go to his home this afternoon , and he would show me some flowers and nests he thought I would like to see .
13 He said to get changed and he would show me how to lay the table for dinner as guests were being entertained that night .
14 And he would show me a picture of a large white vessel sailing through a beautifully blue sea on a sunny day , with a glamorous crew smiling happily as they lay gracefully about the deck .
15 We worked on an antimalaria unit and he would remember me as ‘ Taff ’ Jenkins .
16 He never said another word until the end when he told me he would be going out at 8 AM with the same four-ball and he would see me then .
17 He did understand , and told me to stay close to him and he would take me to the YWCA .
18 Mrs Pearson , the nice old lady who sold Belle Vue Cottage to me , set the controls a few days before she left and said the milkman understood how it worked and he would help me if I had need of it .
19 ‘ He was beastly to me on Saturday night , and it would give me great pleasure to tell him I was right all along .
20 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
21 I was hungry , but room service was extortionately expensive and it would do me no harm to fast for one night .
22 If we were sitting in a room and someone came in talking or making a noise , Dawn would panic and it would take me a few minutes to calm her down .
23 Every day , after school , I would release the bird and it would follow me home .
24 But Miss Philimore seems to think she 's all right so long as she 's watched , and it would save me having to look for someone else . ’
25 Whether the Bedford health authorities did not like this , I shall not know , but they would give me no help at all .
26 It was thoughtful of you , but it would choke me . ’
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