Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] 's [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Well er , she 's at home , or she 's in the erm R E I
2 yeah , I think it 's either in my briefcase , or it 's in the car , but it 's probably in the briefcase , I 'll go and have a look
3 Or it 's like the radioactive cloud has drifted down , days after the holocaust , and dusted their skin softly to start the decay .
4 that 's , that 's gon na happen and the fellows go along with it like when Tony first decided to move and that I thought oh great he 's found a place back in Basingstoke you know , we went and looked at them and everything and he turns round and changes his mind or he 's in the , you know he 's worried or nervous
5 He is there to listen to the evidence , to present the evidence to the jury , the jury then , say , whether the man in the dock or woman in the dock or whatever 's in the dock , is guilty or not guilty .
6 I think all the work that we did indicates that there the productivity is one issue , that unless you 're doing the two point eight or whatever 's in the budget , you know , we 're not gon na get near it .
7 Jesus , a few baggy trousers and arseway haircuts and everyone 's about the great Manchester scene ! ’
8 rather be up there with them they sanctioned to go up there on a Friday night and they said that , that lot of them do er you know , what you call it , there you go up and everyone 's in the mood to sell you something , they let you , you know
9 And she 's about the same size round but about five foot two . .
10 Her film , Without You I 'm Nothing , will be playing at the ICA and arthouses across the country , and she 's on the cover of Playboy and THE FACE .
11 There 's a fascinating article in the January edition of She magazine , it was written by Madeline Rice and she 's on the line to me now .
12 Yeah , and it 's erm like our other one , she used to go hunting up there and she 's across the main road
13 This continues until the final greenback is lost and she 's in the buff ( huff , huff , hyuck , hyuck , etc ) .
14 The boat 's gone down and she 's in the river ! ’ they screamed , and ran back to the village for help .
15 But like er , she took it sch to school and Scott was giving us a lift to school so did n't have to walk and she 's in the car and she 's going if this gets if this gets all smashed up Scott I hope you realise I 'm blaming you !
16 Went out in the garden and she 's got a bike out and the scooter and the , and she 's in the house now and she 's just .
17 I can report back from Jenny and she 's in the same position .
18 I 'm joined by Phyllis Starkey , she 's the leader of the Oxford City Council , the leader of the Labour Group , and Michael Wright is from the Liberal Democrats , and Queenie Warley is a former mayor and she 's from the Conservative benches .
19 I mean the majority of them now it 's not even worth them stopping , and I mean , most of them are like in their eighties and not , er eighties and there 's like the amount of damage they 've done
20 And there 's in the downstairs .
21 Well , I was alright , I learnt all about the harness eventually , and there 's in the you know , this throwback business when they 've been harnessed up .
22 One is where you shut a works and everybody 's in the same boat .
23 There 's a little boy in the nursery , and the the nursery teacher says he 's he 's thick , for a , he 's four , and he 's with the younger ones , and she said he 's thick because , erm , he just ca n't be bothered , but what it is , he knows it ,
24 He 's ranked No 2 in the world and he 's on the dole .
25 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
26 And he 's on the telephone since .
27 And he 's on the phone again . ’
28 I think he 's thirty eight , and he 's on the first team .
29 I ca n't understand that either , they ai n't getting no relief off of their poll tax and yet they 're , yet she 's not at work and he 's on the dole , and they still having to pay full whack .
30 And he 's on the racetrack !
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