Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] they [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Something like that or one they put in that was n't there or some
2 Was it flour — or something they used in pottery ?
3 Now I could not hear what was going on and I was quite sure nobody could hit a ball , or whatever they use in baseball , away out where I was standing .
4 ‘ You deserve it , but I was afraid they were n't the sort of people to make wills and the house would go to the Crown or whatever they do in these cases . ’
5 Although a lot of his story is still relevant to us cos you can see it in today 's life when people stand up for themselves or stand up for their faith or what they believe in and you look around you , you can see violence and being done to them .
6 The truth was that the Conservative party under Baldwin had managed to recover a large area of that middle ground in politics which is the key to electoral success and which they lost in 1206 , after being in possession for nearly twenty years before that .
7 Furthermore , individuals are rendered ‘ schizoid ’ by the range of roles which they undertake and which they experience in others .
8 Erm and they they put in an awful lot of work in in setting up the Festival .
9 I want it to be clearly understood that I do not in any way mean to suggest there is any question of prevarication when I say that as to the prospect for the future there is essentially a difference between what the plaintiff 's parents said in their statements made as recently as the twenty eighth of October of this year and what they said in their evidence about their attitude to future care .
10 Only because of that , and what they said in that totally shocked me , because erm , I , he had n't given me any feedback about how I was doing .
11 Huntley , a burly 51-yearold , has created a constant reminder of who they are and what they want in the form of glossy profiles , complete with pictures , inserted beneath a glass plate on the leather topped table in his office .
12 And , it must be added , very few people would choose to escape its images and what they represent in terms of the good , or better , life .
13 For others , science is what they write , and what they read in journals . ’
14 He has several businesses in the district — a bobbin mill , a gunpowder factory , a cotton mill , and more — and what they have in common is that the people — usually women and children — who are unfortunate enough to be employed in them are driven as cruelly as possible and paid as little as possible .
15 and what they have in mind .
16 And what they have in mind .
17 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
18 Kangaroos can sustain speeds of up to 25 km/h for long periods ; but what they gain in the springs , they lose as pendulums .
19 They were often designed by engineers , but what they lacked in architectural distinction , they gained in homely practicality and in the opportunities they afforded to local carpenters to display their skills in beautifully carved barge boarding and valances .
20 [ Some ] ha' not the heart to believe anything , But what they see in print .
21 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
22 But what they have in common is something both blindingly simple to name and blindingly difficult to think about .
23 No but what they do in America because I do n't think you can be gassed unless you 're grown up
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