Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] was from [det] " in BNC.

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1 The way in which glacial processes were studied was by investigations in areas including Iceland , Baffin Island , Antarctica , Alaska , Scandinavia , and the European Alps and it was from such research that the understanding and interpretation of past glacial systems was enhanced , as in Scotland by Sissons ( 1967 ) .
2 Long years later , he ended up in a workhouse and it was from that vantage point that he ‘ launched his attack upon the world of letters . ’
3 Certainly he played extremely well in that position after Peter Wall was injured for most of 1972–73 and in the first half of 1973–74 , and it was from that position that he captained the Palace side .
4 King William appointed John Dalrymple as his representative and adviser in Scotland with the post of Secretary for Scotland and it was from that position of power that he influenced the machinations that led to the massacre in Glencoe .
5 They were settled there as early as 1899 , and it was from that address that the only one of their children to marry — Henry James — set off on his wedding day , 8 September 1902 .
6 Twenty paces or so beyond the shed the road twisted out of sight , and it was from that direction the smell of burning was being carried by the breeze .
7 By his early twenties he was in business as a printer and publisher at 29 Essex Street , Strand ; and it was from that address that Crockford 's Clerical Directory was first published in 1858 .
8 One breed that seemed capable of handling any distraction was the Connemara and it was from that section that both Champion and Reserve came .
9 Hence the mansi remained absi , in the sense of not having a dwelling on them , since those who worked them came out from existing farms and it was from those that dues were paid .
10 By the early 1960s only two small herds of perhaps a dozen pedigree animals remained and it was from these that the society , revived yet again in 1982 and with the help of various organisations including the Rare Breeds Survival Trust , formed a new herdbook in 1983 in an attempt to save the breed from extinction .
11 The word ‘ petřín ’ comes from the medieval Latin for ‘ stone ’ , and it was from this land that much of Prague derived its building materials .
12 That eruption also involved the growth of a lava dome in the Etang Sec , and it was from this dome that the great spine of Mt Pelee was forced up .
13 In the audience was Paul Palmer , a geophysicist , and it was from this that Jones became involved with solid state fusion and set out on the road that led to his interactions with Fleischmann and Pons .
14 This was called in East Anglia jading a horse ; and it was from this practice more than any other that the horsemen sometimes earned the name of horse-witches because they were able to make the horse stand as though it were paralysed or bewitched .
15 The situation for them was a total one : and it was from this totality — the ritual killing of the frog , the dismembering and the unusual behaviour of the bone in the running stream — that they gained their conviction .
16 The entry of Britain into the Common Market in 1973 had given us access to a 10% repayment scheme of the Consolidated Fund , allowed under EEC rules , and it was from this source that the money would come for the expansion of the Customs fleet .
17 But it was from that and the scribbled design on the back of an envelope that Isvik had been pupped .
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