Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is only [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At length the little lad grabs her sleeve and becomes insistent , and she is only just in time with the sick bag .
2 Housewife Vanessa MacMahon , 38 , whose three-year-old daughter Katharine has leukaemia , said : ‘ You can phone Katharine 's doctor at any time with any problem and she is only too glad to help .
3 We are hopeful that there will be no surcharges levied whatsoever on the cost of your holiday — but obviously fuel costs , currency movements and governmental action are outside our control , and there is only so much that we are able to absorb .
4 The Doctor manages to steal and activate the Time Destructor , but although the Dalek invasion force is wiped out Sara ages to death before his eyes , and he is only just rescued by Steven .
5 And it is only when the vote is over that we will know how the MMB will be run in the coming year , and if there will be any change in the way decisions on the future of the board are taken .
6 Furthermore , different religions may need different symbols , and it is only when they are treated as fetishes , or when they become the means whereby one religion claims superiority over another , that they cease to be of value and are fit only to be discarded .
7 In other birds a size difference is the giveaway : the wheatear is a summer visitor to Shetland , generally leaving in August or September , and it is only when birds of the race which breeds in Greenland , which are distinctly bigger , are seen that we know strangers are passing through .
8 As the play builds to its climax , loyalties are strained , and it is only when Alec decides to cast aside the chains of a lifetime 's obedience that his character truly comes to life .
9 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
10 Most of science is built up on good solid craftsmanship and it is only rarely that the occasional blinding flash of world-shattering importance ever really occurs .
11 It is easy for adopted parents to feel hurt or rejected and it is only rarely that they and the child make the search together .
12 Notoriously young children learn very quickly how to recite numbers in the right order without having any clear notion of their " cardinal " properties , and it is only gradually that they begin to associate their respective positions in the number series with a relation of magnitude .
13 Not only does it tend to concentrate on psychic inner experience at the expense of the spiritual , but it inflates one 's pride in having some superhuman power that others do not possess , and it is only too easy to overstep the boundary between the neutral psychic and the evil occult .
14 The old adage that you only get out what you put in becomes very meaningful and it is only too easy to miss an employee out of a list because a code has been entered incorrectly or because information is inconsistent .
15 The constant movement of troops through these areas caused great economic dislocation for the local populace and it is only recently that a number of Civil War ‘ hoards ’ have been found .
16 Today is the actual anniversary of the tragic night in Tottenham when Eubank crushed Watson — and it is only recently that the Islington fighter has started to make a real recovery .
17 Unfortunately , early ethno-methodological writing was almost wilfully obscure and very difficult to obtain , and it is only recently that more accessible texts have become available .
18 Some additional information has emerged but , unfortunately , mouse chromosomes have not responded well to the high resolution techniques developed for human chromosomes and it is only recently that a higher resolution idiogram has been published ( 14 ) .
19 Old prejudices die hard and it is only very recently that chapels have been noticed at all in guide books or architectural histories .
20 She has spent much of the last ten years establishing herself and securing her home base , and it is only now that she is beginning to realize her potential .
21 ‘ It is much , much longer and it is only now that you have time to realise what it means to you .
22 This has been the case with many traditional British companies and it is only now that they are really being exposed to greater change .
23 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
24 And it is only fairly recently — probably since my mother 's death — that I have been able to abandon the naive belief that such an apparently ‘ perfect ’ relationship is indicative of a good marriage .
25 For centuries , bars of magnetite were used by sailors to guide them across the unvarying expanse of the oceans , and it is only fairly recently that manufactured substances have replaced this naturally occurring ore in compasses .
26 That is , the person who is selling the product and service can persuade potential clients to buy the service , and it is only really limited by the quality of people selling the service .
27 But there is only so much you can ask of another person .
28 There are plenty of other places for him to go , such as a flowerpot , but he is only ever happy in the castle .
29 My younger brother is holding my left hand but he is only vaguely present , shadowy .
30 But he is only distantly related .
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