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1 Nevertheless they did issue trade cards and it is from such items and other related mercantile ephemera that we are able to reconstruct a reliable overview of the trade , their connection with other business houses and their livery company affiliations .
2 Often these objectives are mutually incompatible and it is from such incompatibility , and the misunderstandings that arise from it , that many social and emotional problems experienced by older people arise .
3 The movement became a tradition which is only now degenerating to a faction , and it is from that tradition Dr Runcie springs .
4 [ The Prime Minister ] is a dynamic force , and it is from that very fact that our troubles , in our opinion , arise .
5 The children were subject to regular ‘ disclosure therapy ’ , and it is from these disclosures that the allegations against the four South Ronaldsay families were made .
6 However , during the fifteenth century changes were introduced and we see for the first time representations of corpses , cadavers and skeletons , and it is from these — usually to be found on memorial brasses , and particularly on those in East Anglia — that we acquire our first glimpse of the English shroud .
7 It will be seen that the number of combinations of genes in any one cell is enormous and it is from these that the hereditary factors of our physical and mental make-up arise in such great variety .
8 There she discovered a derelict funfair and it is from these experiences that the group of the most brightly coloured paintings , originates .
9 After the Normans left , the British monks continued experimenting and developing new apples , and it is from these varieties that Western apples are largely descended .
10 Acrylic sheet has a notable combination of valuable properties — toughness , rigidity , lightness , water , chemical and weathering resistance , excellent surface finish , easy shapability and virtually infinite colour range — and it is from these that its major uses arise .
11 It was Johnny who set up the first weekly pools and bingo competitions at the Palace and it is from those humble beginnings that the massively valuable present-day lottery has grown .
12 Viewed from one angle , a current account deficit is merely the necessary counterpart of a capital account surplus , and it is from this point that Nigel Lawson 's defensive intellectual outworks run .
13 And it is from this point of view that I would endorse the observation made by Gian Carlo Ferretti about this and other historical novels ( by Saltini and Mancinelli , for example ) , that :
14 With him went several members of the Beni-Gomez family , and it is from this that their hatred of Rodrigo dates .
15 It is from the dominant ideology that standards of acceptable , normal behaviour are defined ; and it is from this ideology that what constitutes social problems and criminal actions are also defined .
16 The second half of the 18th century began to see some big changes in the parish and it is from this period , which was one of expansion and moderate prosperity , that the present houses and buildings begin to date .
17 Jung expressed the view that , although recall does in fact exist , what is happening when regression to a previous life appears to be taking place is that the subject is simply tapping into some vast communal memory bank , and it is from this source that he obtains his information .
18 Recently people have begun to contemplate it as possible fuel in muon catalysed fusion and it is from this that current interest derives .
19 In one part , this shell is several cells thick and it is from this part that the child will ultimately develop ; elsewhere the shell has a thickness of only one cell .
20 The recommendations which flowed from this committee , published in 1919 , owed much to one member , Raymond Unwin , and it is from this source that earlier years of experiment in site planning ( focusing particularly on density and layout ) , house design and standards of accommodation finally came to fruition as national policy .
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