Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is [adj] when " in BNC.

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1 Telling a child that he or she is bad when they have behaved wrongly is common in the West , but as Susan Sontag has observed , it is unheard of in the East , where the child would be told to be ashamed of itself .
2 And it is understandable when taxpayers , who have their dues deducted before they receive their wage or salary , see themselves contributing towards keeping farmers on the land .
3 Elizabeth was always delightful with pleasantly smiling people who wanted to be pleasant — and it is reposeful when one does not have to talk or understand their language .
4 you did overlook death in service benefits and it is important when you 're doing life cover to take
5 Fish demonstrate their aggression quite plainly and it is obvious when they do n't get along .
6 Most mothers imagine their children 's wedding , but it is sad when a parent puts pressure on her son or daughter to marry .
7 ‘ You 're right , ’ Carolyn said , ‘ but — I know it 's corny — but it is different when it 's your own .
8 Not every seller welcomes such a detailed investigation of their home , but it is imperative when you are acting for a client who is proposing to purchase an old farmhouse , for example .
9 Where the statutory authority is merely permissive , with no clause imposing liability for nuisance , the authority is not liable for doing what the statute authorises , provided it is not negligent ; but it is liable when there is a clause imposing liability for nuisance , even if it is not negligent .
10 There is rarely any real interest in fashion now , but it is heartening when some individuality of style and presence remains , and the frumpish ‘ old lady ’ image is avoided .
11 Maybe but it is difficult when people do that because I mean the majority of us are going up and down and you get this one that 's going across and
12 Same sort o , but it is difficult when you 're allied to a neighbourhood watch , when the living quarters are on the rear of the the accommodation .
13 As most models have only one wound anyway it will not be necessary to roll this extra dice , but it is important when it comes to rolling for heroes , big monsters , and engines of war which can take several wounds .
14 As most models have only one wound it will not be necessary to roll this extra dice , but it is important when it comes to rolling for models that can take several wounds .
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