Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If something or someone is deliberately hidden from us what does this lead us to expect ?
2 Matching the job to the person will ensure that he or she is not overloaded and makes an effective contribution to the enterprise .
3 The Board is obliged to publicise the escrow account the balance of which is paid to the person if he or she is not convicted or at the end of the five year period .
4 From birth , the baby and infant imbibes moral values and learns to control instinctual wishes so that he or she is not chastised by parents , or other agents of socialization .
5 If one suppresses the name , one does not suppress the rest of what is reported , so it is reported that someone , or perhaps more than one person who has been defamed , has done something in the course of the case and it may be that he or she is not known to the public and is of no interest to the public .
6 He or she is best placed to give you legal advice , and to liaise with the other professional agencies involved .
7 The chief academic and administrative officer of a Scottish university , he or she is usually styled ‘ principal and vice chancellor ’ , the latter title used when standing in for the chancellor on ceremonial occasions .
8 Yet he or she is usually limited by lack of resources , lack of accommodation , lack of contact outside the institution and downright sexual repressiveness within from any sexual expression whatever .
9 In most universities , he or she is often called the vice-chancellor — the title " chancellor " being reserved for another notable figure who fills that largely ceremonial and dignified office .
10 Tamed instincts may protect the individual from vulnerability to external aggression or from emotional abandonment by one to whom he or she is fully committed in an act of love ; but in the process they also render life experiences flat and stand in the way of necessary instinctual release .
11 When he or she is perhaps overwhelmed by events , offers of practical help may be exactly what the person could do with , rather than being asked to confront difficult emotional reactions .
12 ‘ Honda 's fitment of airbags , ahead of its competitors , meets the greatest remaining problem with current seatbelts — that of the driver 's face striking the steering wheel even when he or she is correctly restrained
13 Where a registered foreign lawyer who would , apart from this rule , be required to pay an annual contribution or special levy , claims , and the Council agrees , that he or she is so covered in respect of dishonesty or failure to account , whether by a compensation fund other than the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund , or by an indemnity fund other than the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund , or by compulsory insurance , that there is a substantial reduction in the risk to the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund in respect of his or her practice in comparison with the risk presented by a solicitor practising in a like manner , the Council may reduce that annual contribution or special levy to such amount as the Council thinks fit or to zero .
14 Such a figure is based to some extent on notional accounting — an expert 's time per hour is , for example , assessed at a much higher rate than he or she is actually paid — but it indicates the profit margins which both houses need to maintain .
15 If the idea originator wishes to proceed , he or she is then asked to prepare a brief , one or two page description , sometimes referred to as an idea memorandum ( IM ) .
16 While individuals may be seeking : ( 1 ) freedom to advance their careers by moving on to other firms , but " job security " in the meanwhile ; ( 2 ) payment , on death or retirement , of the full value of their partnership shares ( including capital contributions , undrawn profits , goodwill etc ) ; and ( 3 ) upon death and/or retirement from practice , financial security for themselves and their families , the firm 's priorities in the interests of preserving profitability are likely to be concentrated on : ( 1 ) the need to impose restrictions on the freedom of partners to leave without adequate notice and/or thereafter to compete with the firm ; ( 2 ) the ability to remove from the firm any partner who has failed to meet proper professional standards who is disruptive or who is not seen to be pulling his weight ; and ( 3 ) the need to minimise the strain on the firm 's finances when a partner leaves whilst recognising a certain moral responsibility towards the family of a deceased partner .
17 Any one of us may arrest a person who is , or who is reasonably suspected to be , in the act of committing an ‘ arrestable ’ offence .
18 In so doing , any hint of attempted indoctrination , conditioning , manipulation , even influencing and persuading , is misplaced because this dimension can only be grasped in freedom , or it is not grasped at all .
19 If your hair looks much straighter and flatter than usual the conditioner is either too heavy for your particular type of hair type or it is not washed out properly .
20 If the aim of judicial review is seen as being only the protection of individuals ( whether people or organizations ) , this would suggest and justify standing rules which require the applicant to show that he , she or it is specially affected by what has been done or decided .
21 Or it is merely called ‘ public policy ’ .
22 Small wonder our society is so schizophrenic — because the minute the clerk walks out of the store , she or he is immediately bombarded with messages which are in total contradiction to those they receive as employees .
23 The principle of independence in monist reasoning is usually coupled with an attempt to interpret relations as a sub-class of properties and expressive of certain purely internal features of their terms , or what is sometimes referred to as the doctrine of the " internality of relations " .
24 The development of carcinoma of the colon is dependent on both genetic and environmental factors and its is generally accepted that the development of colonic carcinoma follows the adenoma-carcinoma sequence .
25 It is possible to argue that certain sections could , with advantage , have been expanded to stress the more chemical aspects of topics — eg the section of enzymes ‘ in reverse ’ ( why not refer to this as synthesis ? ) touches on an area of great value and which is increasingly used industrially .
26 The successful schemes were unsentimental and transcended the apparent dilemma posed by the design brief which asked for a building which related to preformed and powerful sensibilities and beliefs about life and death and which is also required to be effectively energy conscious .
27 Zuckerman is seeking to deny the traditional connection between illness and psychic division which is reaffirmed in the novel as a whole , and which is also reaffirmed in The Facts , and at the same time to deny that there is a traditional belief in division or multiplicity , a long-standing sense of selfhood as a chimera .
28 He writes " Finally we visited the reading room ; which Mr Mackie has generously provided for his workpeople and which is well supplied with newspapers and current literature of the day . "
29 She makes a sexuality which is dispersed all over these bodies , and which is intimately linked with fluid flow and self-touch , the embodiment of the female psyche .
30 Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze showed that the USSR had not forgotten the ZOPFAN impulse in informing Sitthi that ‘ there can be no calm or stability in a region in which there exist foreign military bases and which is not protected from the military rivalry of non-regional powers ’ .
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