Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] 're [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 so remember that , do when you do the bearings if you 're doing some , erm examples , or you 're looking through , or you 're doing some revision , get up , stand up , and think , right what 's to think of , oh it 's not there , like if I 'm taking a bearing on these flowers , it 's , well , just that much in it , you know ,
2 Erm like any job you have your ups and your downs , it 's very nice when you see people getting better or you 've followed somebody through their pregnancy and they 've got a lovely bouncy baby at the end of it and sometimes it 's sad when you find out that somebody has got a serious illness or you 're looking after people where somebody has died and it , it 's very hard for the people left behind to cope and so that 's very difficult sometimes .
3 Our range of mortgages is designed to suit all incomes and needs — so whether you 're buying your first home , you 're on the move or you 're thinking of switching mortgages — we can find you an excellent mortgage deal .
4 there 's bits there 's bits of i information that either is n't there or you 're thinking about from , from previously .
5 Beware the hackneyed navy suit , unless you can brighten it with a colourful blouse or you 're applying for a job in the City .
6 ‘ This person you 've been with tonight , or you 're going to … this woman ’
7 That 's right they 're all with me , yeah that 's right because you know that you 've just been there or you 're going to be there yourself .
8 I got your stock see , I 've got your stock , you 're either gon na shut your case or you 're going to the , you 're going to go to the house or you 're going have to move me from that objection that I 've hit you with , then the objection that you 're comfortable with , now that 's what closes are about , it 's dancing people from one objection to another , let me put you on another objection then , seeing as you 're not too happy with that then
9 It 's also very good again if you 're going on your committee meeting or you 're going for an interview to rub on what they call the solar plexus just here .
10 The fact is , something really f—ed up is gon na happen in one year , two years into your relationship ; someone 's gon na f— you over or you 're gon na f— them over .
11 Well how are you gon na get are you gon na get a taxi or you 're gon na get a bus down into Hertford .
12 You 're talking about individuals that have come in here , or you 're talking about the tenants ' association , the representation
13 And finally , erm again we 've been told that you either not remembering or you 're lying about the trousers .
14 Or we 're gon na we 're gon na spend on house building all our capital receipts , cos they ca n't do it .
15 She 's also produced very kind of her erm , a questionnaire about the Royal Quays erm to take home to their parents and grandparents to bring back and about , probably get a couple of copies of that and then when they 've done that the seventh and fourteenth she 's going to , or we 're gon na select two pupils from each of the classes to go out with her , one group to go into the middle of North Shields
16 Look well get it , go in the toilets or we 're gon na get done if we do n't go somewhere !
17 Maybe we ca n't stop that , ’ he hissed , ‘ but we 'd better make maternity a better deal for the others , or we 're going to be overrun . ’
18 Wh whe where we go in Yorkshire that Stu Stuart usually gets them out of the Cameron the the pub one , where we go and stay and or they 're dealing with you know what he 's like with his deal , he knows if it 's there it 's usually good fun so , you know .
19 ‘ If someone looks like they 're not having a good time , or they 're looking at their watch , or they look like they 're acting , then the tape is rejected . ’
20 Or they 're voting in county council elections .
21 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
22 And as soon as the parent opens up and or they 're moving , and or they 're moving into the area , there 's the advertising for them .
23 On , on one hand , you 're talking about , or they 're talking about , we 're talking about , improving the aesthetics aspect of the market place , wi with nice pavings and attractive features .
24 ‘ Men who are rappers have to be sexist or they 're gon na lose their credibility , so they 're gon na continue to dis women for as long as it proves their manhood .
25 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
26 Oh the ducks yes ducks that 's right the ducks had better watch out or they 're gon na get run over .
27 Either that or they 're gon na shut down .
28 ‘ You 've practically exiled yourself from your family and your home and your friends , you think you 've failed your finals but you say you 've no intention of sitting your re-sits even if you have ; you 've no money and you have n't even been looking for a job ; you 're getting done for shop-lifting and you 're acting like such a fucking dick-head you seem determined to get shot of the last few pals you do have left … and all you can do is make smart-ass remarks . ’
29 well that would make your twenty would n't it because if you have four speakers and you 're aiming for sixteen punters
30 Well now the the thing is and you 're speaking to an expert here
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