Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] could see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 So anyway she come off the phone there and I could see she was really
32 I had no lights , and nobody could see us .
33 And you could see them all so nervousness anxiety that I was n't told about .
34 Sometimes she became childlike and you could see her at eight or seventeen or twenty-five .
35 Their bodies were contorted and you could see they had been trying to protect their faces with their hands . ’
36 And you could see him sort of recline back in the chair … he was visibly surprised . ’
37 The boy got up and you could see he was still nervous .
38 If he wanted to act like an uncivilized person-which is what he must be and you could see it clearer all the time-then let him alone .
39 She got on there and you could see she was gon na throw .
40 In one , the infant 's mother was placed behind a clear screen so that the male and infant could see her and she could see them .
41 Then he appeared from the gate at the far side , and she could see him smiling even at that distance .
42 The afternoons were also good for going to the cinema ; they had all of the stuff that would take about six months to make a brief appearance in her home town and she could see it on decent-sized screens instead of one like the end of a shoebox .
43 ‘ She was dead to me , ’ he had said and she could see he meant it .
44 Juices were seeping from her hot crack to soak into her knickers , and she could see he had the most enormous jack-on .
45 This erm , wide Am Amazon river , and suddenly all these natives start appearing along the sides , and we could see them
46 He looked at me apathetically through a mist of weakness and pain and one could see he 'd been in that water a lot too long .
47 And he used to come and they could see him coming for he had to come in a cart .
48 Not our our owns but erm other people and they could see them the next day when the steamers went to the north isles for the er the cockerels or the hens sitting on the top of them .
49 Dulé leaned to look at the dark husk that was the old woman 's body ; shadows bound the close air inside the room and he could see her only as a lighter shape .
50 The moonlight was on her face and he could see her clearly .
51 And anyone could see he was as simple as a child , just by the look of him . ’
52 I know that Eric was interested in seeing a panzer division on the move and being so close to the enemy but I could see him getting paler and paler , probably at the thought of what would happen if we were stopped .
53 She made a lot of conventional noises , of course ; she had to because you ca n't have Rose and Grace getting any sillier than they are already and they might have taken it into their heads to copy you , but I could see she thought you had real spirit .
54 She said yeah I 'll be alright , but I could see she 'd been crying earlier on in the evening , she said you always feel as if you 're
55 But I could see he looked sad as he added , ‘ I think it 'll be fer the best fer all of us . ’
56 But I could see he was perfectly serious .
57 He grimaced , but I could see he was not unpleased , though he tried to hide it by marching me off to give his vegetables their evening watering .
58 The hammer lock kept my head down , but I could see he was carrying a bottle of whisky by the neck .
59 It 's right , it 's correct it is minus twelve but I could see you were really not very sure what you should be doing about that , that 's great , you 've found , you 've got that down to there , let's have a little look at the number line , zero , one , two , three and so on , minus one , minus two , minus three , minus four .
60 But I could see I had lost his attention .
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