Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] have [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And it got , in the end , actually , if I was , if I had to do something that was urgent or I had to go somewhere I used to have to say to her something like , you know , erm oh I better get on , I got a lot to do this morning , or I 'm goi I 've to be shopping and be back in time to cook Jim 's dinner or something like that cos he 's starting , oh I 've got ta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and if I really was pushed otherwise she would have come in every day .
2 Or somebody has stood up and done their best for their particular community or somebody 's stood up and done their best to Or has moved to somewhere .
3 Or somebody has stood up and done their best for their particular community or somebody 's stood up and done their best to Or has moved to somewhere .
4 Nevertheless , the principle is established that all students can participate in the decision-making process , and it is not a principle which has proved to be unworkable or which has produced manifestly absurd results .
5 It 's obviously Th there are gon na be jobs in here that are flagged up as overspent , which are n't or which have got very very good reasons for
6 So you 're doing exactly what we were telling you to do a few weeks ago , that you had to er take money out of reserves or you had to cut down on the level of services if you were to avoid putting that thirty four pounds on the council tax bills this year .
7 If your perm is past its best and needs pepping up or you 've got naturally curly hair that lacks oomph , look for special ‘ body-building ’ styling products such as firm-hold mousse .
8 Sometimes if it 's completely wrong you start over , or you have to get in and actually wade into the paper and do some design work on it , but the other thing is allowing a certain sense of experimentation .
9 Eh she was away I think when , or she 'd gone out when called in upon here a fortnight ago .
10 Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels .
11 Remember how you were concerned for his or her welfare , how you wanted to know if he or she had slept well , had eaten properly or was too cold or too hot ?
12 The group reflect what they see of the sufferer 's assets and defects ( never defects alone ) and he or she is helped towards the recognition that his or her previous life truly had become unmanageable and that he or she had tried desperately to control everything but was finally having to admit defeat and accept powerlessness .
13 Edouard came into her body with a feeling of shuddering release and the afternoon seemed to pass in a dream he had had , or she had had long before .
14 Says , well if I wake up in the night and my sister 's not there I 'll think someone 's taken her or she 's run away , I 'll be frightened .
15 Either that or she 's run out of schools to send him to .
16 Because older people often relate events to " When I was six " rather than to a given date , there is a need to build up a framework of background dates and information ( a time-line ) about the person interviewed and his family , and the places he or she has lived in .
17 Here above all he or she has to organize as far as possible a staff consensus , to present it to the governors and to explain any requests for modification back to the staff — and then if necessary to carry out the modification .
18 He or she has to generate both questions and answers , and in a well-organised text it is the generating of questions that is the most difficult task .
19 As such , he or she has to work closely with the creative people and with media : in some agencies this includes the media planning , too .
20 People who had had experience of the National Assembly , where much the same procedures were followed , or who had picked up the style from televised broadcasts of it , were at a decided advantage .
21 There are also others whose role in the home has changed or who have taken perhaps lesser jobs than they once had . ’
22 They may be good business for surveyors , but they are a waste of money for those buyers who are unsuccessful or who have to pull out for one reason or another .
23 Yet it is not uncommon for people who can not get to sleep , or who have woken up , to get up in the middle of the night and to make themselves a snack because they are hungry .
24 Anyone who has visited a newspaper office in the last five years with expectations from cinematic memories of Citizen Kane or who has struggled back from the newsagent on a Sunday morning with a sample of what is laughably offered as a ‘ leisurely read ’ will know that much has changed .
25 Long before the director first calls ‘ Action ’ , or anybody has to worry about time , money , the weather or an irritable starlet , the producer , director and writer can sort out the lineaments of the project by focusing on what the film is trying to do , and how it can be made to work .
26 Similarly a plate of biscuits may not contain enough for ‘ one each ’ and children would not know until each had taken one or they had run out .
27 Either the five had to be willing to take these alone , or they had to yield somewhat to encourage France to return .
28 Most have either grown much more rapidly , or they have declined significantly .
29 Either it was created in its present form , or it has endured forever as it is today .
30 The York stream is either stagnant or it has dried up completely .
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