Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] have [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Either that or I 've got wax in my ears .
2 Perhaps Divitiacus had read his Posidonius — or somebody had read Posidonius to him .
3 Returning to a job which they had already ‘ used up ’ or which had lost value in their eyes
4 A. Almost all the manufactured goods you see around you have some part or other which has been made by people in the chemical industry , or which has used chemicals in its production .
5 Assets are frozen , you ca n't get your hands on them on the whole until you 've got your grant of probate or you 've made declarations if it 's a small will .
6 Or you 've got Book Two .
7 He or she had taken trouble over the arrangement of the facts and in getting in as much relevant information as possible .
8 It is the responsibility of the angered party to communicate successfully and reasonably why he or she has felt anger .
9 Either the plaintiff will receive £8,251 + costs ( if the judge 's estimate tallies with that of the plaintiff 's advisers ) or a much lower figure ( if it does not , and he or she has to pay costs ) .
10 The date has obvious value if the story is a topical one but it also s the journalist to check how long he or she has held material .
11 The cashier should give a receipt to the receptionist that he or she has taken charge of the money .
12 Now if you say to me , this is I go back to my work fare , If you 're talking about the the young kids of of sixteen or who 've left school , have n't got a job and they say , Well I want my my welfare benefit .
13 Elena Long , of Catholic AIDS Link , said that the Gospel gave reasons for helping and supporting those who are HIV positive or who have developed AIDS .
14 The condition occurs most commonly in children who have had close contact with household pets , or who have frequented areas such as public parks where there is contamination of the ground by dog faeces .
15 The number of people who have been convicted of an offence and whose life stories were inspirations to others , or who have produced literature in , or after imprisonment is large . )
16 It 's er in the report that we produced , most of the families are in fact single parent families , most of them are on Social Security benefits and have been on for considerable periods of time , but there are a number of people who are in employment or who have had periods of employment , but they are in low paid jobs , so when you 're talking about an income of one hundred pounds a week , with the sort of housing costs there are and other costs , then there simply is n't enough money to go round .
17 When I meet people who are HIV positive or who have got AIDS , I am always surprised at how positive they are ; it 's personally inspiring for me to meet people who have thought out what they are doing about their lives and the changes they have made .
18 It also contains good advice for those who are not sure whether they are will enough to make the trip or who have to advise others .
19 However , if details of the invention are disclosed by a person acting in breach of confidence or who has obtained details unlawfully , that disclosure will be disregarded in determining the state of the art .
20 Any patient who has been unable to eat or who has lost weight may therefore require extra nutritional supplements before surgery .
21 Subject selection , content and methodology are to a great extent , dominated by their influence on upper classes and no one who is aware of social and salary structures in Africa , or who has had children of his own in the system , would expect otherwise .
22 Someone or something had had compassion on me .
23 Er now did we get John back or we 've forgotten John now because he 's in a shop serving customers in Ripon and er great take away Indian there very very good take away Indian and they did ask me this would you please play this so hang on .
24 Well I mean surely it 's , that 's the point now is to try to make a fair erm law and one that is ideologically erm designed seeing we 've got to power , or we 've got certainty of obtaining power , therefore land ownership has got to be land ownership which has been capitalism Marxist
25 Either the telemetric system has broken down or they 've gone bonkers at Bacton . ’
26 or they 've got relations that are , er two and a half minutes .
27 The only real alternatives to the Pitcairn plume containing recycled continental or sedimentary material are that the magmas have assimilated sediment in crustal magma chambers or they have exchanged oxygen during subsequent submarine weathering .
28 So there 'd be delay in probate unless the children have got the money , so they have to borrow against the property or they have to raise money to pay the bill .
29 There was no evidence in the present case that L 's girlfriend had taken delivery of the goods or that she or anyone had had instructions from L to take the goods , and L was not the only adult living there .
30 It was either an accident or he 'd committed suicide .
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