Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] be from this " in BNC.

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1 Viewed from one angle , a current account deficit is merely the necessary counterpart of a capital account surplus , and it is from this point that Nigel Lawson 's defensive intellectual outworks run .
2 And it is from this point of view that I would endorse the observation made by Gian Carlo Ferretti about this and other historical novels ( by Saltini and Mancinelli , for example ) , that :
3 With him went several members of the Beni-Gomez family , and it is from this that their hatred of Rodrigo dates .
4 It is from the dominant ideology that standards of acceptable , normal behaviour are defined ; and it is from this ideology that what constitutes social problems and criminal actions are also defined .
5 The second half of the 18th century began to see some big changes in the parish and it is from this period , which was one of expansion and moderate prosperity , that the present houses and buildings begin to date .
6 Jung expressed the view that , although recall does in fact exist , what is happening when regression to a previous life appears to be taking place is that the subject is simply tapping into some vast communal memory bank , and it is from this source that he obtains his information .
7 Recently people have begun to contemplate it as possible fuel in muon catalysed fusion and it is from this that current interest derives .
8 In one part , this shell is several cells thick and it is from this part that the child will ultimately develop ; elsewhere the shell has a thickness of only one cell .
9 The recommendations which flowed from this committee , published in 1919 , owed much to one member , Raymond Unwin , and it is from this source that earlier years of experiment in site planning ( focusing particularly on density and layout ) , house design and standards of accommodation finally came to fruition as national policy .
10 The word ‘ petřín ’ comes from the medieval Latin for ‘ stone ’ , and it was from this land that much of Prague derived its building materials .
11 That eruption also involved the growth of a lava dome in the Etang Sec , and it was from this dome that the great spine of Mt Pelee was forced up .
12 In the audience was Paul Palmer , a geophysicist , and it was from this that Jones became involved with solid state fusion and set out on the road that led to his interactions with Fleischmann and Pons .
13 This was called in East Anglia jading a horse ; and it was from this practice more than any other that the horsemen sometimes earned the name of horse-witches because they were able to make the horse stand as though it were paralysed or bewitched .
14 The situation for them was a total one : and it was from this totality — the ritual killing of the frog , the dismembering and the unusual behaviour of the bone in the running stream — that they gained their conviction .
15 The entry of Britain into the Common Market in 1973 had given us access to a 10% repayment scheme of the Consolidated Fund , allowed under EEC rules , and it was from this source that the money would come for the expansion of the Customs fleet .
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