Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If something or someone is deliberately hidden from us what does this lead us to expect ?
2 or I 'm just seeing what he 'd said
3 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
4 It could be , or I 'm just wondering if it 's actually squirrels , because although the , the excreta contains berries erm a squirrel will eat berries , it will also eat nuts and of course they do bury their nuts and I 've actually seen squirrels in other parts of the country digging holes and starting a bit of a larder and of course there are a lot of , of erm squirrels in Croydon so I think unless you actually see the animal you can only speculate that it is something small like a vole or , or a squirrel .
5 This is nearly as demanding as the main route so I 'd only do it if the tops are covered in mist or you are absolutely worn out .
6 The teacher may lead the discussion or the activity , but he or she is also learning from the students .
7 He or she is best placed to give you legal advice , and to liaise with the other professional agencies involved .
8 The chief academic and administrative officer of a Scottish university , he or she is usually styled ‘ principal and vice chancellor ’ , the latter title used when standing in for the chancellor on ceremonial occasions .
9 Yet he or she is usually limited by lack of resources , lack of accommodation , lack of contact outside the institution and downright sexual repressiveness within from any sexual expression whatever .
10 If the character moves sideways with the head , body and arms in some way averted from the front , i.e. croisé , possibly with a twist of the shoulders , he or she is usually playing some evil or cunning person .
11 In most universities , he or she is often called the vice-chancellor — the title " chancellor " being reserved for another notable figure who fills that largely ceremonial and dignified office .
12 The second problem is that even if a motorist — despite all the odds — actually adheres to the recommended limits , all the evidence points to the fact that he or she is still driving too fast for the safety of local residents .
13 Tamed instincts may protect the individual from vulnerability to external aggression or from emotional abandonment by one to whom he or she is fully committed in an act of love ; but in the process they also render life experiences flat and stand in the way of necessary instinctual release .
14 When he or she is perhaps overwhelmed by events , offers of practical help may be exactly what the person could do with , rather than being asked to confront difficult emotional reactions .
15 ‘ Honda 's fitment of airbags , ahead of its competitors , meets the greatest remaining problem with current seatbelts — that of the driver 's face striking the steering wheel even when he or she is correctly restrained
16 Where a registered foreign lawyer who would , apart from this rule , be required to pay an annual contribution or special levy , claims , and the Council agrees , that he or she is so covered in respect of dishonesty or failure to account , whether by a compensation fund other than the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund , or by an indemnity fund other than the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund , or by compulsory insurance , that there is a substantial reduction in the risk to the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund in respect of his or her practice in comparison with the risk presented by a solicitor practising in a like manner , the Council may reduce that annual contribution or special levy to such amount as the Council thinks fit or to zero .
17 He or she is actually trying to exercise power over nurse or mother .
18 Such a figure is based to some extent on notional accounting — an expert 's time per hour is , for example , assessed at a much higher rate than he or she is actually paid — but it indicates the profit margins which both houses need to maintain .
19 If the idea originator wishes to proceed , he or she is then asked to prepare a brief , one or two page description , sometimes referred to as an idea memorandum ( IM ) .
20 He or she is certainly making a commitment to trust God .
21 The Scotch Whisky Association and its member companies fund research and support educational measures aimed at those who are most at risk or who are best placed to influence them .
22 They care for short-term patients who can afford to pay or who are privately insured .
23 Those linked in any way with the half-dozen Marxist guerrilla groups , or who are vaguely suspected of being ‘ subversives ’ by the country 's right-wing extremists , may be shot at , bombed , tortured or killed .
24 In such an organization you feel hemmed in by people who can refuse you permission to do something or who are only waiting to jump all over you if you appear to be taking the initiative , or achieving something which even they may recognize as being highly desirable , in ‘ the wrong way ’ .
25 Questions like this may be asked by people who assume that you have the same sort of lifestyle as they do , or who are clumsily trying to find out whether you do .
26 The protected class must also admit to its membership those who are not presently disabled but who have a previous history of disability , or who are wrongly perceived as being disabled .
27 White families who have adopted or who are currently fostering black children should be given training .
28 ( 2 ) A solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body , or a recognised body which is an officer or member of a recognised body , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a director or member of a recognised body , shall not by any act or omission by himself ( or itself ) or with any other person cause , instigate or connive at any breach of these Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of these Rules or section 9 of the Act and , for the avoidance of doubt , it is confirmed that a solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body remains personally subject to all the rules , principles and requirements of conducting affecting solicitors .
29 ( 2 ) A solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body , or a recognised body which is an officer or member of a recognised body , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a director or member of a recognised body , shall not by any act or omission by himself ( or itself ) or with any other person cause , instigate or connive at any breach of these Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of these Rules or section 9 of the Act and , for the avoidance of doubt , it is confirmed that a solicitor who is an officer , member or employee of or who is otherwise working in the practice of a recognised body remains personally subject to all the rules , principles and requirements of conducting affecting solicitors .
30 Any one of us may arrest a person who is , or who is reasonably suspected to be , in the act of committing an ‘ arrestable ’ offence .
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