Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] be [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
2 This involved a teacher treating a pupil in a manner which suggested that he or she was the same sort of person as an older brother or sister who had either offended in some way or was being offered as a worthy model .
3 If we now compute a weighted sum , or what is the same thing , the sum of the A-measures at each exposure , then for a given subject area this sum will increase as the reflected light intensity increases , since more pixels will be seen at each exposure .
4 The only duty of the tenant is to use the premises in a husbandlike , or what is the same thing , a tenantlike manner …
5 Toby and I are the same , two people we were yesterday — we 're still your friends " " Not the same .
6 cos Edmund and I are the same age
7 He talks as if I 'm free to go at any minute , and I 'm the same . )
8 Perhaps by my middle-aged presence , the suggestion that Flora and I were the same age ?
9 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
10 Matt and I were the same age within a month but Alfred was two or three years older and Maurice quite a bit younger .
11 You were like ice , and I was the same .
12 well and yours is the same look
13 It is n't often that a new cruising ground opens to yachtsmen , particularly one that has hundred of deserted anchorages , summer water temperatures comparable to the Med , and which is the same sailing distance from Britain as Gibraltar .
14 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
15 who plays most beautifully and who is the same age and the same size as Wolfgang …
16 ‘ In that , you and she are the same . ’
17 It was grown now , and a good bit taller than me , but when I was young and we were the same size it had been my static catapult defending the southerly approaches to the island .
18 If you find the same language in distant countries , you may be sure that the inhabitants have been the same people , that is to say , if you find the languages a good deal the same ; for a word here and there being the same will not do . ’
19 And they 're the same .
20 ‘ They wear similar clothes , and they are the same build and colouring when you come to think of it .
21 Well I suppose probably people li like nursemaids and er and er what they used to call in those days mothers ' helps , who used to sort of be a general skivvy around the house and would look after the children , and , and , and they were the same , they had to be in I think at , at sort of ten o'clock at night .
22 But I looked today in erm cash and carry sport and they were the same price .
23 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
24 And he 's the same off it .
25 I went to this man today and he 's a real doddery old soul and he 's the same age as gran
26 and he 's the same age as granddad , I could n't believe it and he was saying about well I 'm seventy one this year actually younger than my dad and he looks really old and we were
27 And when it comes to appointments , they just get on the blower to somebody and say ‘ give me your views ’ , and it 's the same circle of people they know and trust .
28 And it 's the same thing over and over again . ’
29 And it 's the same kids who are complaining that the A&R system is not working for them , that A&R men do n't understand .
30 Indoors is much easier ; they put the air conditioning on in the morning and it 's the same all day and night , except for the lights .
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