Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [Wh pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 In Act v , Scene v , of Jonson 's Volpone Mosca enters dressed as a gentleman ; it is a moment which might be seen to mark the arrival of the urban impostor , he or she who knows that mimicry and impersonation possess the potential not just to deceive and usurp , but also to subvert social differentiation and identity itself :
2 Yes , Comrade Fay is permanently indignant about the insidious threats of the socalled right-wing to the so-called left-wing about white people who do n't like the un-white people who listen to Tracy Chapperson ; about the legit community police forces like the Guardian Angels and generally about anyone who was n't in ‘ The Commitments ’ or anyone who thinks that the political line in Christy Moore records is puke .
3 Terrible thing to suggest and anybody who thinks that I think has got the wrong idea of this motion .
4 She brings home everything except potatoes and anyone who says that one ca n't get fresh vegetables in London must do her shopping by telephone , she is convinced .
5 It 's only a thought , but is it possible that the person who threw the carton of orange juice and 50p piece at Morrissey at the Madness ( Madness , not Morrissey ) gig was not some National Front yob but someone who felt that draping oneself in a Union Jack — still , like it or not , a symbol of racism — is itself racist ?
6 There is no doubt about the content of this divinely imparted illumination : ‘ who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ ? ’ ( 2:22 ) They are warned not to believe every spiritual manifestation , because the authentic disclosures of the Spirit always bear witness to the incarnate Jesus .
7 But anyone who thinks that the arrangements will include a night in the ancestral home of the Roxburghes will be disappointed .
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