Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb -s] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said , Oh do n't bother I always I always get people ringing up saying so and so 's mother or father says or someone says you 've been teaching them and can you take me or can you take my son or daughter and it always works like that .
2 If he or she asks you to pick something up , assert yourself or defuse the situation but do n't bend down .
3 Also , if you catch the doc in a bad mood and he or she hears you taking the mickey , there are lots of particularly nasty cures which can be prescribed , such as :
4 When he or she does we ask for details like what club they are in and what experience they 've had ’ .
5 But anyway we 've grasped the point that the general elections it 's really down to the prime minister to er er to ask for the dissolution of parliament and the prime minister will normally a will normally ask for the dissolution of parliament when he or she thinks they 've got the best chance of winning .
6 Parents sometimes feel embarrassed about describing their child 's problems in front of the child , so asking the child first why he or she thinks they have come to the clinic can open the discussion .
7 The domestic empiricist is not concerned with the generalities or principles underlying the cooker or the car ; he or she sees what has to be done to achieve a desired end and that is that .
8 That , after all , is part of what we mean by ‘ professor ’ : x is so on top of his or her subject that he or she has something to profess , to convey , to teach .
9 If you do live in the same house as your landlord and he or she wants you to leave the property then he or she must still give you at least four weeks Notice to Quit on a special form .
10 It 's so hard to express how being jilted by a lover or something makes you feel without sounding … you write best when you have a certain objectivity … when your writing is both the passenger and the driver . ’
11 It 's either the job or something means they 've got ta go away or they ca n't afford , they ca n't sell them so they I do n't know if that would make your income different if you were still paying a mortgage .
12 There are two possibilities : either Carmichael himself had Albie killed , or he knows who ordered it .
13 Or what does he think ? "
14 well she put , cos she usually she buy phone card or what does she call , cos I asked her do you remember ?
15 And it 's obvious , is n't it , that certain people simply have n't a clue as to where you are at or what makes you tick .
16 If you 're wearing , if you 're wearing headphones right you do n't stop everybody 's bound to work out and everyone lets you wear them , everyone 's bound to work out you 've been given permission to wear them .
17 I am happy to repeat the Government 's view that openness is a friend of the nuclear industry and everyone has everything to gain by open discussion and understanding of the complex issues involved .
18 The Tote 's status is an arcane legal matter ( akin to that of TSB before its flotation ) and no-one knows who owns it or its assets .
19 From where and whom does it draw its strength ?
20 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
21 Cos I said to young George , his son , I said he came when I was painting the sills and I says what do you do when it 's frosty when you start to work ?
22 I says how come you deputation , you gave us a time of which to be here , now we said , we turned up a quarter hour beforehand and I says we get a phone call er a an intermission from Councillor that you could n't make it because that your car broke down .
23 cos we got taken over and I says I said no !
24 you know and she says well I said that 's the only way Lindsey you 're going to get it and I says I mean that 's the only way you 're going to get it .
25 Anyway because I were there with them you see he thought it were me that had got it and I says I have n't got it .
26 and I says I have one not to swear , so it gets rubbed out if it 's too bad , you know she comes back , she comes back next Friday , she left twenty tapes and batteries
27 Do you know I calculate , I went on to him other night and I says you 've only nine week
28 So no you got a full slice she fetched it , put it on table and I looked at it and I says she says what 's the matter , int everything alright ?
29 I saw him like on the right , on the path and I goes I goes what you do I goes gon na be sick .
30 yeah , he 's gon na be fifteen this year , he 's one year and a half older than me , so , and he goes , I told him okay and he goes you 're young , and I goes I know
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