Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [v-ing] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And it suggests the driving force — or someone working for him — has a good knowledge of Central and Eastern Europe . ’
2 In selecting people for a job we are inclined to go on general appearance , whether we like the person , whether we would like to have him or her working for us .
3 or owt owing to me , I says , we 'll do it that way and then you come
4 In being able to discriminate truth — or something approximating to it — from falsehood or nonsense , the student enters a state of intellectual freedom in relation to that portion of the world which is the focus of his or her studies .
5 ‘ I did n't see Francis or anything happening to him if that 's what you 're getting at .
6 I do n't remember her of course but I 've heard my father and them speaking about it .
7 Anyway , we spent the whole round with Tom stomping off and me scurrying alongside him trying to keep up .
8 And er I I you are going to be in thee and I going to thee in you .
9 ‘ The coastguard was constantly getting calls from ships concerned about this car over a cliff edge and someone dangling from it , ’ recalled Stuart Fell .
10 He already saw fifteen sepoys stretched on the ground and himself standing over them with this weapon smoking in his hand … or rather , in both hands .
11 HAVING REACHED the point where you can hover the model consistently with its nose into wind and you standing behind it , you have established a ‘ safe base ’ position .
12 The Venetian author of the Italian Relation of England commented specifically on the English sense of national pride , and presumably was thinking of attitudes which he encountered generally and not merely the point of view of the more literate : ' … the English are great lovers of themselves and everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say ‘ he looks like an Englishman ’ ' ( 35 , pp.20–1 ) .
13 He 's got a job and everything going for him , and yet still he teams up with Billy .
14 ‘ All I remember was a huge bang and it careering into us .
15 At 1423 the tide turned , and began to empty the Solent , and anything floating on it , through the narrow Needles Channel .
16 It 's not just a case of him taking us with all of what we had and were and us belonging to him , but he says i in taking you to myself , he says I give myself to you .
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