Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [noun pl] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) Damage to or loss of a motor vehicle and/or its accessories whilst in the hands of a Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder who is insured for such loss or damage , or liability for such loss or damage the loss damage or liability shall be admitted and dealt with by the party hereto insuring the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder subject to the limits of its policy , and if other insurance in respect of loss of or damage to such vehicle and/or its accessories exists with the other party hereto the latter shall subject to the limits of its policy reimburse to the insurer of the Maker Repairer Garage Proprietor Selling Agent or Coachbuilder one-half of the amount paid in respect of such loss or damage .
2 I started shaking and my shoes squeaked with apprehension as I shuffled on the lino .
3 I 'd not done an adaptation before and my fears grew with the first reading of the book , simply because of the enormity of the task . ’
4 I got hot and sticky trying to fix it , and my arms ached with holding them up .
5 He shouted suddenly and my fingers pricked with fright .
6 and my fingers broke with the speed
7 My nose started to bleed and my eyes streamed with water .
8 I am struck by small objects and my nostrils fill with the stink of rot .
9 There was the usual pub smell of stale tobacco but the river Thames laps against the old smugglers ' inn and its odours mingle with the rest .
10 Kaffa and its ships swarmed with rats ; plague was quickly disseminated by sea to many Mediterranean ports .
11 ‘ I deal mainly with consumer credit law which can involve , for example solving a problem on an agreement , or ensuring that advertising material produced by Lombard and its subsidiaries complies with the appropriate regulations . ’
12 The FMLN would be legalized as a political party and its members reincorporated with broad guarantees into " civilian , political and institutional " life .
13 Its fields are fertile , its vineyards productive and its forests teem with wild life .
14 She also ensures that the sales centre and its ARs comply with the Financial Services Act ( FSA ) .
15 They continued on along the line of booths , each with its owner sitting on the counter among his stained , dirty jars like some vast black spider , past the long , carpet-covered benches in front of them with the rows of men drinking coffee and smoking and talking , past the assorted smells of rose and jasmine , amber and banana , past the odd little restaurants with their grand brass jugs of hot water , their servants hurrying with coffee in glasses to some merchant about to strike a deal , past all this and then suddenly through the arch of the Bab es Zuweyla with its two soaring and fantastic minarets and out once more into the Tentmakers ' Bazaar with its donkey-saddles of red brocade and its camel-trappings adorned with cowries and little bits of looking-glass , its gaily-striped awnings and brilliant tent linings .
16 PAKISTAN will be more self-sufficient in gas supplies from 1995 as a result of a decision by LASMO Oil Pakistan [ LOPL ] and its partners to proceed with the development of the Kadanwari gas field .
17 Thus its surface may only occasionally be punctuated by groups of waterlilies and its margins graced with a restrained selection of marginal plants carefully placed so as to balance the visual aspect of the pool and yet not spoil it reflective qualities .
18 The turmoil continued until Ashi 's mouth was taped firmly with wide plastic parcel-tape and her feet tied with cord like her hands , leaving her on the floor propped against the wall .
19 ‘ No , ’ I said , and hated myself for telling the untruth , but I was thinking of my own boat standing propped on the sand of Straker 's Cay , and I thought of all the work I had lavished on Masquerade , and of all the love and care and time I had poured into her , and I tried to imagine her rotting under the tropical sun with her paint peeling , her deck planks opening and her timbers riddled with termites .
20 He was sitting just a matter of inches away , when he moved to reach for a coffee-cup she caught the smell of freshly washed hair , and her fingers itched with the memory of tangling themselves in those jet-black waves .
21 Stray winds brought changes of temperature and smell and her ears popped with shifting pressures .
22 That was another lie , and her cheeks reddened with the shame of it , but he did n't notice because the shop bell had tinkled .
23 Mrs Richards ' pulse was faint , and her features drawn with stress .
24 The light was extinguished as quickly as it had come , and her shoulders curled with disappointment .
25 This is hard work which Karen and her assistants tackle with enthusiasm and dexterity .
26 But being a woman , she had to juggle her home life and her police work with expert precision .
27 Ella exploded into shrieks , and her brothers roared with laughter .
28 The floor was hard and cold and her knees throbbed with pain , but still she crouched there .
29 ‘ Pilade is a fine child , ’ Mrs Browning said next , and her eyes filled with tears .
30 I bent forward to see if I could recognise him — there was something vaguely familiar about him , the voice perhaps — and then he hit me on the side of my head — ’ Poor Miss Watson faltered and her eyes filled with tears at the memory of that vicious blow .
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