Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] [adj] because " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , much of such data is less than useful because of poor definition or methodology , or it is inapplicable because of local or special constraints in derivation .
2 Maurice and I are lonely because
3 Tremayne 's own mood appeared to be a deepening depression over the evening 's finale , and I was sorry because he deserved to look back with enjoyment .
4 And I was happy because I was sure I would soon have three good friends .
5 Well he , he , they were on their way to Norwich but they stopped off at Ipswich for a lunch , you see , and er I had , I looked after them , so , so that it should n't interrupt the other girls behind the counter or , or the waiter who was looking after his regular customers in the dining room , you see , er and so I used to erm and once I had I remember there was six black doctors came in and er and I was glad because it was nice to move about and instead of sticking in the office typing and then going out all alone , you see , while the Manager was on the district , you see , I liked it and er anyway that was a long time ago .
6 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
7 Three , and Johnson 's knock-out punch — Pennant 's descriptions went as far into detail as Pennant wanted them to , and therefore they should be seen for what they are , not what they might have been : ‘ Here is a man six feet high and you are angry because he is not seven . ’
8 And you 're right because these are the things that when when your vice president and you president come every year , as they do , on their annual visit , and they go to Gleneagles for their game of golf first .
9 in Ethiopia and you 're bothered because you 're not talking to one another .
10 If your parent 's pension or benefits are reduced and she is worried because she has rent , mortgages , or other commitments to meet , special allowances can be given in the form of supplementary benefit , and you should discuss this with the hospital 's Medical Social Worker or the Enquiry Clerk at the Department of Health and Social Security .
11 They both seemed to have forgotten Jenna and she was glad because she could feel tears welling up inside , almost a feeling of panic .
12 And she was surprised because she meant it .
13 No publicity is being sought , and none is likely because no-one can find him .
14 ‘ David Lindley plays them all the time , and they 're special because not only is the body hollow , but the neck is hollow too .
15 Good sailing centres will have at least one and certainly the R Y A ones do and they 're important because if beginners get into difficulties out on the water you need to be able to get to them as quickly as possible and it also gives them a sense of security to have one of these things around .
16 These terms are carefully coded and they are significant because they enable people to speak about race without mentioning the word .
17 And I 'll say this now , they was in business there , nextdoor , and I knew them like that , they says any machinery come here and use it , and they 'd got shears and all that sort of thing , and with their help , you know , I had these four locks and did them and took them down in no time to m to er , to and they was flabbergasted because of the quickness of them , you know , and they says er we can always find you sommat to work if er this is the case .
18 William helps the farmer next to us and he is disappointed because he grows really good wheat and spuds and cabbages .
19 So you John now Jonathan he 's only fifteen , I know he looks in his twenties , but he 's only fifteen and he 's done a lot of homework so it makes him late and it makes him uncomfortable and he 's fidgety because he knows he 's got to disturb us when he goes out , he does n't does n't enjoy disturbing us , so I have to make that clear to you .
20 His wife came in and banged the door and he was furious because it made the china rattle ; he said she just did n't understand . ’
21 That 's what he called them , and he was worried because something big was coming up and it would get out of control .
22 I 've got three of them , all in different colours , and it 's nice because they all play just that little bit different . ’
23 ‘ No way am I worth that sort of money , and it 's annoying because I 've started getting begging letters .
24 Fifth thought : shit , this is the turret of the Cathedral ; and it 's dark because it 's late and the floods have gone off .
25 Many different types on the market , but when you actually start to look into them , erm , they reveal a few things , you can see by this one it 's a fairly old one , but it is for for demo purposes only , this is one by Polycell , it 's battery operated in a plastic cases and it 's handy because it 's got a torch but when you actually put the alarm on it goes my gadget 's not working really .
26 if you say and it 's true because right erm , the er that was talking about yesterday in lecture involves erm the notion of selfhood in and erm seems to be er a very very deeply complicated er topic , so erm I imagine there are questions that you folks had .
27 And it 's funny because the last car that I saw the fellow 's from I saw the fellow 's who did it .
28 And it 's frightening because I know people die waiting for a transplant .
29 It respects the authority because it is legitimate , and it is legitimate because it is respected .
30 It is one-trial , because it requires only a single peck for the bird to learn ; it is avoidance because the result of the learning is for the bird to stop doing something it otherwise would ; and it is passive because the bird is not required actively to avoid , as it would if it had to escape from some unpleasant condition , but merely to refrain from pecking .
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