Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Or there 's anybody in your own organization who is responsible name the PCs and the files etcetera may want to know , is this your file .
2 There 's w one of those in Nottingham there 's one in Newark and there 's one in Mansfield .
3 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
4 Then he said , ‘ I 've managed to get a sprinkling of young men , and there 's one in particular I 'd like you to meet . ’
5 and there 's one in there This is January savers and there 's another catalogue .
6 He went there and back and do nothing to the people bol er er involved , being consulted and we 've had that going on for two years no consultation here has taken place with the people who it affects and there 's nothing in your motion to say it will .
7 It would have to have been one hell of a continuous storm , and there is nothing in my readings , satellite scan or computer print-out , to suggest that . ’
8 And there is nothing in the judgment of Luxmoore J. to indicate that , having rejected the non est factum plea , he thought that he had any discretionary power to order rectification of the charges register .
9 The present procedure is in my opinion insufficient in these respects to achieve justice , and there is nothing in what I propose which would frustrate the apparent purpose of the legislation .
10 Scamander in Homer takes human form to fight Achilles , and there is nothing in the least improbable in the personification of rivers in fifth-century art ; indeed there are almost certain examples on coins .
11 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light , and there is nothing in him to make him stumble .
12 The summer of ‘ 92 will be more attractive for Tendulkar 's presence in Yorkshire , and there is no-one in the game who does not wish for the county 's good health and an end to schism .
13 Yeah erm she put , she said Gateway 's th they 've been selling a lot and there is none in Lynn .
14 ‘ I ken you were all right when the Prince was here , ’ he continued , ‘ and there are plenty in Glasgow that will keep you safe , but things have changed for the worse since you went away .
15 And there were you in the next bedroom , you and Arthur .
16 And there was one in , , he 's packed up cos they 've these houses .
17 I think I 'm right in saying Madam Chairman that y of those first seven we 've still got two schemes in still to come and there was one in erm so I look forward to the progress and er that we 're making on this and all I can say is
18 alcove and there was one in the one far corner and sitting on the corner together , they were holding hands going every so often he hears .
19 Jordi 's head was set beautifully on his broad shoulders , and there was something in the way he held his neck to support that head which was unmistakably intelligent and sexy .
20 The Worm turned and reared up at them , and there was something in its sightless head that they knew showed satisfaction .
21 And there was something in the dusty black of her coat , the half-wild scrawny look of her , that gave me a clue .
22 And there was something in his smile and the way it affected her , something in the way his eyes probed into her , that prompted her to add , ‘ To tell the truth , I do n't really expect that ever to happen . ’
23 Afterwards she came into the kitchen while I washed her clothes and hung them on a bush in the garden to dry — and there was nothing in our words or manner to suggest that all this was not quite ordinary and everyday .
24 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
25 And there was nothing in the early editions , anyway .
26 After a while the road ran out and there was nothing in the bleak landscape but loose boulders , rocks , yaks and wild asses .
27 In fact , he probably enjoyed the nationwide attention he received and there was nothing in his previous conduct to suggest he would be worried by the escalating costs .
28 Ruth surveyed the freshly-turned earth and looked around for a flower she could place on the grave , but it was the last day of December and there was nothing in bloom .
29 And there was nothing in his present circumstances likely to ensnare him in sensuality .
30 One did not have to oppose the war to oppose its consequences ; and there was nothing in the least unpatriotic about the demands for ‘ equality of sacrifice ’ .
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