Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [pron] [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 Something like that or one they put in that was n't there or some
2 She looked , however , as if she was fairly determined to give her views on the matter , but before she could start on the Why do they come over here if they do n't like it ? speech or her I believe in respecting people 's religious feelings but would die to defend their right to disagree with me speech , Maisie came round the door .
3 Now I could not hear what was going on and I was quite sure nobody could hit a ball , or whatever they use in baseball , away out where I was standing .
4 ‘ You deserve it , but I was afraid they were n't the sort of people to make wills and the house would go to the Crown or whatever they do in these cases . ’
5 Although a lot of his story is still relevant to us cos you can see it in today 's life when people stand up for themselves or stand up for their faith or what they believe in and you look around you , you can see violence and being done to them .
6 I hope that you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , will consider it in order if I state precisely what that £1 billion could mean to those or us who live in the Network SouthEast region .
7 Mummy and me I like in the morning
8 and me I like in the morning
9 Furthermore , individuals are rendered ‘ schizoid ’ by the range of roles which they undertake and which they experience in others .
10 But I can not resist mentioning two or three examples which are very well documented and which I believe in personally ( one gets very sceptical about other people 's records in palaeontology ) .
11 And we we go in car shopping and we always get our s shopping from , you know with it being cheap , and we go in her brother 's car , and so we do n't have to carry it back all the way from , but round here you see you 'd have to go out , you 'd have to take the kid with you , and your girlfriend , and then you 've got to come back with all the shopping and your kids as well .
12 Erm and they they put in an awful lot of work in in setting up the Festival .
13 Linguistic change , therefore , is change in agreement on norms of usage , and what we observe in our quantified data is difference in the quantitative incidence of certain variants in particular social groupings .
14 It 's a three-day Congress er and what we do in our Guild , we have , we had a house party on a Tuesday night and she 's told me she made twenty-six Pounds and erm we , we send our , our delegate Congress with that money you see , er because you see , er women would not if you could n't say you could sponsor them .
15 Huntley , a burly 51-yearold , has created a constant reminder of who they are and what they want in the form of glossy profiles , complete with pictures , inserted beneath a glass plate on the leather topped table in his office .
16 And , it must be added , very few people would choose to escape its images and what they represent in terms of the good , or better , life .
17 For others , science is what they write , and what they read in journals . ’
18 He has several businesses in the district — a bobbin mill , a gunpowder factory , a cotton mill , and more — and what they have in common is that the people — usually women and children — who are unfortunate enough to be employed in them are driven as cruelly as possible and paid as little as possible .
19 and what they have in mind .
20 And what they have in mind .
21 ‘ Prepare beforehand by thinking about what the employer wants and what you have in your background that fits this , ’ suggests occupational psychologist Ros Heaton .
22 Yes , I think you 're drawing a distinction between what you do in practice and what you 're booklet says , so I am talking about the letter of your booklet and what you do in practice might be a lot better .
23 The key to people 's behaviour style is in the words they use , the sound of their voice and what you notice in their face and body language .
24 Can I hope your shiver means you 're aware of me and what I have in mind for our entertainment tonight ? ’
25 But that is in my own time and what I do in my own time is up to me . ’
26 Nottingham Graduates have always been proud of their association with the University and you will find a special welcome form them wherever you go and whatever you do in the future .
27 One is called the Overlay room , and anything you have in this room is repeated in all others .
28 But one we assume in the derivation of the precise result for h/Ne 2 , with which experiment agrees very well .
29 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
30 But what we find in the resurrection of Jesus is not something that originates from the natural processes of life , but something that constitutes a unique event .
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