Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [adv] has [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If a manager is in the A&R office at CBS , he or she rarely has access to anybody else in the company .
2 Indeed , talk to any manager and he or she already has common-sense theories of motivation , often built up over long periods of observing people at work .
3 He or she also has power to refuse for good cause to accept an application or to decline to give advice .
4 Then put the whole root-ball into a container which will take it without cramping , and which already has compost in the base , then fill in with compost at the sides .
5 For part of the way we linked arms with Fred Lebow who thought up the race 23 years ago and who now has brain cancer and wanted to run it .
6 A single early pouch cutaneous fistula was the result of a partial ileoanal anastomotic dehiscence and pelvic sepsis ; her postoperative treatment required multiple admissions for recurrent fistulation and bowel obstruction , but the fistula has been excised and she now has goo pouch function .
7 It was like watching a film or a play and you 're totally caught up in what 's going on and you 're taken out of yourself and everything suddenly has colour and meaning and magic and you forget that outside the rain 's tippling down and tomorrow 's homework has n't been done and you 've got to wash the car to pay Dad back for the money you borrowed to come to the film because you were skint till the end of next week .
8 His machinery works , and he even has government approval — all he needs now is a manufacturer .
9 At one time he lived in Devon I think and he also has association with Yorkshire , so that is could be quite probably in the countryside but it does n't have to be a forest , does n't have to be a fox out there but he does actually say I imagine this midnight moment 's forest .
10 The A4 is completely self-contained and MIDI compatible , and it even has amp switching capability , along with built-in simulator and noise gate .
11 The library specialises in taxonomic botany ( plant classification and relationships ) , and it also has material on amenity horticulture ; garden history and design ; landscaping ; conservation ; botanical illustration ; botanical travels and exploration .
12 Kingsley has some sympathy with Lord Vieuxbois , his representative of Disraeli 's group , the Young Englanders , but he also has sympathy with Lord Minchampstead , whose views resemble those of Mrs Gaskell 's industrialist , Robert Thornton , in North and South ( 1855 ) .
13 But it also has relevance to the pro-active marketing of credit and , to my mind , nicely illustrates the crossroads the industry has reached and the opportunities that lie beyond it .
14 On the DEC PDP-10 computer , subroutine call instructions are provided for saving the return address either in the first location of a subroutine or in an accumulator ; but it also has call and return instructions which treat a specified area of store as a return address stack , in a manner similar to that described earlier in this section .
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