Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] only [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The highest nobility were only very few in numbers , so that when we speak of their hold upon military commands we must , consciously or not , include those who had inherited relatively low noble rank or who had only risen that far through their own efforts .
2 Whatever it was I 'd taken from Sunil 's house — and I 'd only done it as a favour to him , after all — he could n't have said anything to Nassim about it .
3 And I 'd only done them ten minutes before
4 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
5 No it were Monday when in here cos I was oh I were , Gavin were wanting some toast with jam on and I 'd only got a little bit like that , I says oh you 'll have to wait while your Aunty Margaret brings some more tomorrow .
6 at party yeah I was in the toilet yeah and this bloke comes in and goes oh and I 'd only got like a hit 's worth left
7 I mean , it 's like the jeans , I say , for Laura I paid fourteen ninety nine for a pair there , and eleven ninety nine for the other pair , well I 've been and got myself two pair cos I mean , it 's more or less all I wear just a , a couple of weeks before , and I 'd only paid twelve ninety nine a pair for my own !
8 I 'd put half a dozen 10p pieces in there to phone home , and I 'd only used one .
9 This is the nearly got me and I 've only seen oh have we actually seen these ?
10 ‘ Promises ’ song was music first ( that 's hard and I 've only done it once since ) and ‘ Sincerely Yours ’ was Rab Handleigh 's ‘ tribute ’ to Barry Manilow which he performed with perfect schmaltz suavity .
11 I 'd also like to say that I 've received some twenty nine representations from constituents in my ward all of whom live in my ward who are opposed to fox hunting and have asked me today to vote to ban fox hunting on our land and I 've only received two representations from official bodies the video and , and a representation from the British Field Sports Association erm , in favour of fox hunting .
12 I can even slice it and I 've only played golf once .
13 I think so , I think I washed it just before Christmas and I 've only worn it once .
14 It 's a complicated story and I 've only used elements of it .
15 But I ca n't walk because I 've got emphysema and I 've only got about a third of a lung as well as arthritis to go with it .
16 Very light surgery this morning : I have n't to be in Chollerton until two and I 've only got a couple of calls to make .
17 ‘ I just looked in the larder and I 've only got four .
18 And I 've only got Rob .
19 ‘ They 're mostly postcards and I 've only got threepenny stamps . ’
20 Whatever they like bottom of the River Trent if you like but it would be very going off the subject and I 've only got a minute or two to spare but what someone pointed out to me that terrible monstrosity outside the Theatre Royal subway and every time I pass I fume inwardly .
21 That perhaps it 's easier to do in a smaller department , I mean I 've got checkouts , and the majority of my staff are part-time , and I 've only got three full-timers , so it 's quite often the case that at nine thirty , one thirty , five thirty , eight thirty , it 's a case of coming in and then relieving somebody else straight away , you do n't necessarily have the time to spend with them .
22 Was moaning about she had to buy three Christmas presents and she only got two kids So Ann turned round and said oh you 're fucking well mad I got to buy five presents and I 've only got two kids .
23 And I 've only got two .
24 I just got me coal and I was looking solvent and I 've only got so many weeks and I 've got to empty the stupid thing again .
25 on erm yes two days ago and I 've only got
26 Then I can sew it up and I 've only got the
27 It had been held every year since I was five , and I had only missed it once , the year I was in Nigeria .
28 ‘ It had been a quiet day and I had only caught a few small dace and then my rod thumped round .
29 Already , my fingers are picking at the edge of the pad and I have only written , ( dragged out ) 178 words , but who 's counting ?
30 I know it , and I have only kissed you once . ’
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