Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] on with " in BNC.

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1 She went , and I got on with the life of Ellen Parkin , about to emerge from her chrysalis , to spread her wings as Eleanor Darcy .
2 If something wants pruning you just show them : you chop this off and you chop that off and you get on with it .
3 But you 've worked a lot with Paul Seddon , and you get on with him very well .
4 That way his problem remains his problem and you get on with your work . ’
5 In theory FAXgrabber then operates in the background and you carry on with what you are doing .
6 And she carried on with the arrangement she was making , cheerfully unaware of how great a change in attitude that charitable thought represented .
7 He asked after Fred 's new play and she ran on with unconvincing enthusiasm about a young actress who was going to be in it .
8 organiser and she stayed on with Medau after she retired .
9 The two priests greeted each other rather coldly and we carried on with our walk .
10 I usually work him in for an hour , but when I 'm riding him around in the arena before the bell goes , I 'm still thinking , ‘ How on earth am I going to get this thing up the centre line ? ’ because he 's gawping at everything , but then I give him a jolly good boot and we get on with it … ’
11 They were given the chance to recant , they did so , and they went on with their work .
12 They knew their job and they got on with it .
13 They 're very professional and they get on with their work .
14 They get on with it and they get on with life in the colleges and life may not be wonderful but they deal with it , and in some senses they are exercising what power they have , but what they get fed up with is constantly having to exercise it .
15 He does , he likes to get in the bedroom and , and he fiddles on with the erm
16 Dad knew it was no good arguing with her and he carried on with the job .
17 ‘ He left her lying there motionless in her own hall , the walls spattered with her blood , lying on her back and he carried on with his plan to steal , ’ Mr Burke said .
18 But he was in a cheerful mood and he went on with another story altogether .
19 But there was a living to be made in comedy which he still did so well and he got on with it .
20 The referee 's got a job to do , and he got on with it . ’
21 I repeat and he catches on with a flowery ‘ Por favor ’ and a heartfelt ‘ Gracias . ’
22 But you get on with it , you want to go and win your next game .
23 Every muscle tensed , and she swallowed nervously , but she carried on with her appointed task with renewed concentration .
24 One or two offered sympathy and would have taken her along with them , but she stayed on with her head bowed until only Sarah and the fair-haired man were left .
25 Life is very crude , and bonnie Princes Street a dream , but we soldier on with a good grace .
26 The irony , he thought , was lost in the translation but he went on with it anyway .
27 One floor above , a light blinked from the implant on Jonathan 's left wrist , but he tinkered on with his impossible screwdriver .
28 No , I missed it , but your get on with it anyway !
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