Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] find [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It appears that there are many points at which er we can identify with one another or I have found that I can identify with the church and its social responsibility in this country because of our experience in my country .
2 Modes still remain something of a mystery to many guitarists , and I 've found that one of the most reliable methods of teaching modes is simply that of practical usage .
3 ‘ I 'm in Seabourne and I 've found that the pet shop is already open .
4 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
5 Turning , planing , routing and so on generate vast quantities of shaving , and I have found that I have to empty my 17 litre wet and dry vacuum cleaner at frequent intervals .
6 Quantity is easier to consider than quality , of course , and I have found that a promotions committee can be thrown into bemusement and mild disarray by suggesting that many of the publications on a candidate 's CV might better have not been published .
7 It lies at the extreme edge of the constellation , and I have found that the best way to locate it is to use Beta Comæ , which is of magnitude 4.3 and lies rather off a line joining Cor Caroli to Arcturus ; though dim , Beta Comæ is rather isolated , and not difficult to identify .
8 erm I have two children and I have found that it was quite a full-time job persuading them of the virtue of certain old-fashioned ways of going about things .
9 If you 're on a diet and you 've found that you 've hit problems , ring Sue Frost on these special helplines .
10 Mhm , so you 're ex-directory , Beverley , and you 've found that it 's er , a great benefit as a single mum ?
11 And we 've found that so far , we 've had one thousand letters of concern since the network was announced .
12 I mean , I 'm involved in doing some statistics for Windmill House , the probation service , and we 've found that the sixteen-to-eighteen-year-old provision in the city is very , very small .
13 The cards are now larger than in previous years and we have found that this size proved very popular .
14 Resuture of the stoma edge will be followed inevitably by recurrent bleeding and we have found that the therapeutic options are either a portosystemic shunt , if liver function is well preserved , or transplantation .
15 And one tends to find that languages — French/German — are the first to abandon mixed ability , usually in the second year , sometimes the third year of a comprehensive school .
16 It happens perhaps sooner in languages and in science than it does say in history or English or geography , and certainly language teachers find much more difficulty in teaching mixed ability classes and one tends to find that languages — French/German — are the first to abandon mixed ability , usually in the second year , sometimes the third year , of comprehensive school .
17 Starting very gradually , they have built up an exercise routine for each patient designed to suit their particular needs and they have found that the results have been quite dramatic .
18 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
19 My tapwater contains 20–30ppm , but I 've found that the level in my water butt which collects water from the conservatory roof , is only 5–10ppm .
20 But I 've found that a few years away from something can make you realise just how much you want it — need it . ’
21 There are a number of forensic tests to be carried out but I expect to find that the razor was the weapon . ’
22 Obviously the pieces gradually reduce in size but I do find that I can work with even very small pieces , as they stay whole and workable down to the last tiny fragment .
23 I hope it will work but I have found that his natural impetuousness and importunity make it difficult for him to stick to any procedure !
24 Some anglers use three rods , but I have found that at least one of these tends to be neglected .
25 But I have found that it is often the factor in a player 's style which , with a little bit of work , can yield the most impressive results .
26 There are no visible scars left from that experience , but I have found that to my mind the word ‘ optimistic ’ has taken on a whole new meaning .
27 At the weekend she had visited her parents ' home and spent some time with her sister , Jennifer , but she had found that she had been unable to tell them about David Markham .
28 Both characters indeed show allometry ; but we have found that relative tooth size or relative antler size are related to the extent to which males have to fight for females .
29 You can walk almost anywhere that is convenient and safe , but we have found that the easiest and quickest way to build a regular walking habit is to walk right out our own front door and do a circuit around the block and back again .
30 But we have found that people learn much more easily in their mother tongue , with their own logic and symbols .
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