Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] be in " in BNC.

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1 Consultation with the next of kin has a further advantage in that it may reveal information as to the personal circumstances of the patient and as to the choice which the patient might have made , if he or she had been in a position to make it .
2 We must ensure that hospitals have well thought out discharge plans for every individual , whether he or she has been in hospital for five years or just five days , and that follow-up and after-care services are available for a lifetime if necessary .
3 Youth Enterprise Scheme helps young people aged 25 and under who wish to start up a business or who have been in business and now wish to expand .
4 Next year 's contest is in Barrow — and no-one involved is in any doubt what the result will be !
5 They all put in their tenpenny 's worth about what they thought should be filmed , but nobody asked my opinion , and I 'd been in more films than the rest of the cast put together .
6 Darren had been dead a couple of months ; I had fallen out with my father and I 'd been in London for most of the summer , staying with Aunt Ilsa and her long-term companion , whose only name appeared to be Mr Gibbon , which I thought made him sound like a cat for some reason …
7 I thought it would be quicker , you see and I 'd been in the services as well , because I used to give a subscription to British Legion
8 , we went in the August and they were back by September , so he could start back well school and I 'd been in , in the summer holidays and they said and I felt poor little bastard , got to start a new school , he ai n't gon na know anybody
9 And I 've been in every one of them , ’ Maidstone said .
10 And I 've been in the parish longer than he has .
11 ‘ Well , I did n't get up Sunday , then I thought I 'd better go in to work on Monday , but I came home early and I 've been in bed ever since . ’
12 And I 've been in next door .
13 You 've come and read me a bed time story when I have n't been very well and I 've been in bed .
14 Carson Buchanan , Alf Jacobson and I had been in charge of the arrangements and a liberal supply of liquid refreshment was on hand to demonstrate our hospitality as ‘ The Friendly City ’ .
15 as if to underline how huge the task of changing public opinion would be , and of making people see that the hostages mattered , it had been spelled out in a television programme I had taken part in the previous November when Mary and I had been in Paris .
16 ‘ Valerie and I have been in a relationship for five years now .
17 ‘ I have never seen or heard since my knowledge of things , ’ wrote a British admiral in 1745 , ‘ that one of our ships alone , singly opposed to one of the enemy 's of equal force , has taken her , and I have been in almost every action and skirmish since the year 1718 , and yet we are daily boasting of the prowess of our Fleet . ’
18 I dare n't disobey her , Miss Abbott — dare I , Aunt ? — because you see , my brother and I have been in her care since we were boys and stand in the greatest awe of her imaginable . ’
19 A lot of the places where Ann and I fish are in remote locations .
20 What I want , would like to see , and I think is in your interest and the public 's interest is actually to , to not just be responding but to be , to be reactive but to be pro-active , and to be going out onto the streets as it were .
21 Clearly taken aback by the striker 's impudence , the referee replied ‘ I 'm Mr Fogg ’ , to which Gallacher speedily replied ‘ Aye and you 've been in one all afternoon . ’
22 And you 've been in a scenario where there 's one manager and there 's a few people who are n't in a managing role , but you are actually managers , maybe they 'd like a little reversal , I mean , I think some good things have come out of that , and possibly things that you 'd do better next time .
23 The England coach , who is also assistant to Ian McGeechan on the Lions tour to New Zealand this summer , and who has been in Scotland since last Thursday , admitted yesterday that the Scots ' performance against Wales ‘ had been very impressive and must have surprised quite a few people , especially down south ’ .
24 The scholarship is open to those aged 21–30 with Wine and Spirit Higher Certificate or equivalent and who have been in full-time employment in the catering industry for at least two years or have experience of direct sales in on-licensed premises .
25 And she had been in London for less than a month .
26 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
27 She is Dutch , in her late twenties , and she has been in North Africa for one-and-a-half years .
28 ‘ Yeah , and she 's been in a few times since .
29 " She was taken ill yesterday , " Mrs. Butler said , " and she 's been in her room ever since .
30 But initially there had to be a real , genuine erm working class revolution and therefore Marx looked first to England because we were the most advanced and we 'd been in the business of running capitalism for s so much longer than any other country in the world .
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