Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [noun] was not " in BNC.

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1 When his or her car was n't being illegally clamped , stolen , broken into , photographed by a Gatso camera or failing the MoT emissions test , it was costing an arm and a leg to insure .
2 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
3 In spite of that plummy voice , she 'd make it all right , or his name was n't Walter Wetherby !
4 There was a man involved this time or his name was not Danny Burrows .
5 William kept close to Hari 's side , though for his own protection or hers Hari was n't sure .
6 But what Mr Branson had either forgotten about , or Our Price was not interested in , was the small chain of concessions within Debenhams .
7 The other complaint we receive is ‘ I waited for the issue to come out and my ad was n't in it .
8 I used to bring down quilts and my machine was n't big enough and in any case I could n't possibly lift them once they were
9 I was weary , and my brain was not working effectively .
10 ‘ I felt stiff and lethargic and my mind was n't tuned into the job — I definitely did n't enjoy the first ten minutes .
11 I saw an excellent physiotherapist and a chiropractor who subjected me to some tests and found that the ratio between my hamstrings and my quadriceps was n't good enough .
12 I 've often wished that I had stayed on and tried for university , but I was n't keen , and my family was n't the sort to encourage it .
13 A DESIRE to sample the atmosphere of a country auction again brought me to O'Kane 's at Glenarm and my visit was not in vain .
14 And my concentration was n't helped when Posi intruded to tell me there was a comm-call of some urgency .
15 The British government was only waiting for the ECJ to rule ( and its decision was not unexpected ) before reforming the Shops Act .
16 In terms of the definition of er what is historic York I think again an issue we went over for some length of time at the greenbelt inquiry , I would draw your attention back to my earlier comments that York is basically a modern industrial city with a very precious historic core , that historic core er represents no more than actually five percent of the built up area , that something like eighty five percent of the city was built after eighteen hundred , the view that was expressed by the County in N Y Two , in terms of the definition of the greenbelt , the Greater York greenbelt and its purposes was not accepted by the City Council , we do not accept that all of the func elements of the York greenbelt contribute towards preserving the character of the historic city , we rely on the the fact that the two comments the Senior Inspector made at this , the the green wedges and historic core itself that establish the historic character of the city , there are many parts of the edge of York which could repli be replicated in many cities , historic or otherwise around the country and finally just coming back to the issue of scale of development erm the point I should have made earlier about the house builders figures for the city of York is that the house builders did suggest a figure of four thousand for the city , erm , I 'm not aware on what basis that was made , but clearly my evidence would quite clearly indicate that I believe that could not be accommodated , certainly on any known sites within the cit current city boundary , thank you Chair .
17 Once selling over 100,000 copies each week and offering a real cutting edge in news content , the paper was a victim of under-investment for many years , and its decline was not inevitable .
18 She seemed to have lost a shoe , and her dress was not only dirty but torn in several places .
19 She had no doubt that Dana would be with Garry and her twin was n't made to stand up to that kind of trouble .
20 They were as busy as ever , and her mood was n't improved by the fact that she had to juggle staffing rotas and the pharmacy budget .
21 She said , and her voice was n't steady any more , " I have to take Kevin home now .
22 However , they 're not too obtrusive , they do sort of when you 're looking at her shoulder here and her hand was n't there I could well imagine that you 'd get a bright highlight off her shoulder , so maybe putting hands there it has helped in er , er to , to eliminate that .
23 and her house was n't suitable , you know , cos of the stairs
24 She was quite mature in her answers , and as you will see from Document A , sir , the Visitor got the impression — we have to rely on their experience in this sort of judgement — ; that she was more or less in command of the situation and had gained poise and experience from it and that a second traumatic removal from what in fact was a secure home for her would at this stage do more harm than good , especially as the relationship between the girl and her father was not good .
25 If she denied fitzAlan 's story so she could have the solar to herself , she would become lost in a morass of other lies and explanations , and her mind was n't clear enough to cope with such a task .
26 Her children had families of their own and her husband was n't due to retire for several years .
27 If , on top of this , her income dries up because of her husband 's death , if she did n't have a paid job and her husband was not insured , then her losses begin to mount up .
28 And her husband was not nice ? ’
29 And their preservation was not due to any touristic interest ; for in a real as well as a metaphorical sense , colonial Cuzco was built on their foundations as well as on the backs of the native population .
30 The study of Chaucer , Shakespeare and their contemporaries was not much better off .
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