Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun pl] [that] follow " in BNC.

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1 Those of us who now recognise it as immoral do so , not because we are compassionate , but because we recognise the equal rights of humans and the duties that follow from recognising those rights .
2 Here the subject of farce was an English public school and the problems that follow when a beautiful female French teacher arrives and causes a sensation .
3 It described the high that ensues from smoking crack ( 'Crack is both spacey and intense' ) and the downs that follow ; it told his readers how he bought it and what the morning after was like .
4 When this disorder of mood returns again in the Dry Drunk Syndrome one sees the clear distinction between the disease of Alcoholism itself and the consequences that follow it , if and when the sufferer later returns to drinking .
5 This will lead into a discussion of the Nixon presidency including Watergate and the repercussions that followed , such as the widespread decline in public trust and a vigorous reassertion of congressional power .
6 He was the natural ancestor of Jim Baxter , Jimmy Johnstone and the rascals that followed them into Scotland shirts .
7 John 's case also suggests how the perceptions of those professionals involved at an early stage of an assessment and the actions that follow may influence , direct or constrain the later perceptions and actions of other professionals .
8 Result : even worse defeat , culminating in the degradation of last year 's 60-pointer by Australia and the shenanigans that followed at the post-match dinner .
9 Together , accompanied by the bridesmaids , they return to the bridegroom 's house for the wedding and the celebrations that follow .
10 Finally , he is drawn to the essence of Muir 's genius which he sees as that of ‘ the sensibility of the remote islander ’ , and the words that follow give one final transformation of the savage and city motif , when he describes Muir as ‘ the boy from a simple primitive offshore community who then was plunged into the sordid horror of industrialism in Glasgow , who struggled to understand the modern world of the metropolis in London …
11 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
12 It is ultimately to the Maccabean dynasty that Eisenman traces the movement which gains increasing momentum during the lifetime of Jesus and the years that follow .
13 No doubt that was why some Gaullists saw 1962 as the high point of the General 's career and the years that followed — in some respects the apogee of his republican monarchy — as a protracted decline .
14 The debate and the votes that followed it solve no problems .
15 Haymo refused to be part of the deputation and the events that followed proved how right his warning had been .
16 The conclusions drawn from the wealth of data generously provided by the DNs in EHA , and the recommendations that followed will form the basis of the concluding article in this series , to be published in the July issue .
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