Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] who [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Glenborrodale , on the northern shore of Loch Sunart , holds a magic for everyone — nature lovers , artists , historians , sportsmen , geologists , gardeners , or those who just want to unwind and relax from the pressures of everyday life .
2 For notwithstanding I trust to bring you off happily , with the goodwill of our lord the king and all who best speak for this land , yet I do know there are some who may have other thoughts concerning you .
3 Also , by implication , Bukharin was challenging the views of Rosa Luxemburg , and all who since followed her in this matter , in her assumption that arms production is a field for the creation of surplus-value .
4 We have two sorts of customers — those who are happy with DOS and want to carry on using it , and those who eventually want to move to Windows .
5 Thirty-five per cent of men , feel most masculine when they 're at work , especially richer men , those enjoying the most sexual activity and those who regularly cheat on their partners .
6 First , we have divided viewers into those who regularly watched BBC-TV news only , those who regularly watched ITV news only , and those who regularly watched both ( negligible numbers of voters watched neither ) .
7 Sandyport chairman Hugh Buckner believes that the offer will appeal to people who wish to realise capital gains from a business or trust ; those with business activities in more than two countries ; sports stars , promoters and entertainers with large incomes ; and those who legitimately wish to minimise the tax burden .
8 In a good organization the objectives that have to be achieved are decided with considerable interaction between those who are going to carry them out , and those who ultimately have the responsibility for the leadership of the enterprise .
9 He will also know of the bravery and dedication of the security forces and the Royal Ulster Constabulary as they have sought to pursue terrorists and those who wantonly break the law .
10 We must look after not all of the sport , the high flyers , the starters , the beginners and those who just go out for enjoyment and potter .
11 Information for those who wish to return , for those who may return at some future date , and those who just wish to be kept abreast of developments should be incorporated .
12 For the O level people and those who just wanted to work , mucking around was seen to be unfair both to them because it held them back and to the teachers : here they interpret ‘ mucking about ’ wholly within the official theory of schooling .
13 All those connected with salmon fishing , the hotel business , the tourist industry and those who just feel incensed by this cavalier treatment from London , should make it clear to their own MPs that they will do all they can to make the Government 's position even more precarious .
14 There are three kinds of people : those who have sought God and found him , and these are reasonable and happy ; those who seek God and have not yet found him , and these are reasonable and unhappy ; and those who neither seek God nor find him , and these are unreasonable and unhappy .
15 But on Monday night the audience at the Queen Elizabeth Hall appeared neatly divided — between those who were willing to prolong the applause indefinitely and those who either disappeared discreetly halfway through or scarpered quickly at the end .
16 I mean those , by and large , those who who need to listen to what I 'm saying to and take it on board wo n't and those who already do do n't need it anyway but they 'll take it on board .
17 Secondly , priority needs to be given to establishing structures that will enable all general practitioners to be involved in influencing the views of the purchasing authorities , including those who have hitherto expressed little or no interest and those who already have a clear interest in participating .
18 Recent research has shown up a link between girls who have suffered from some ( often seemingly unimportant or minor ) kind of sexual abuse and those who later go on to develop eating problems .
19 Yet , first , that outcome of specialization which is an assumed general division between those who create and perform and those who merely receive is not significantly greater at this level of material techniques than at the level of systems of training of inherent resources .
20 In the case of a building , the seller may be ignorant : if the seller knew of a risk and sold without disclosure , he or she is probably liable at law , but builders come and builders go , and those who deliberately mislead mostly go .
21 It was essentially a masculine code , and those who often find it unacceptable in fiction may find some support in the comment of the Duchess of Omnium , regarding her noble husband 's often inconvenient scruples , that ‘ Men should n't be made of Sèvres china , but of good stone earthenware ’ .
22 In the hospital kitchen there was a gulf between those who were meant to be in charge and those who actually carried out the work .
23 The original ( i.e. medieval ) idea of the university looked to a self-governing community of scholars , in which there was no distinction in kind between those who mainly taught and those who mainly learned — all were embarked on a process of intellectual discovery .
24 Under the changes , needy and elderly people and those who currently get free prescriptions on medical grounds will remain exempt .
25 The two elements , those who more or less kept the rules and those who never tried , had always lived side by side in Paradise Street .
26 Some people , on the other hand , are suddenly rendered immobile , for example some of the ‘ emergency ’ admissions to hospital and those who suddenly collapse or become ill and are nursed at home .
27 Here we neglect all strategical niceties or memories of past encounters , considering only two simple kinds of players : those who always cooperate and those who always defect .
28 In this paper , we consider only two kinds of players : those who always cooperate , C , and those who always defect , D. No explicit attention is given to past or likely future encounters , so no memory is required and no complicated strategies arise .
29 At the centre there are a handful who hold important roles at the Cliburn , and those who always have the calm look of those who have taken on difficult jobs and remain , despite myriad new crises , absolutely in control : Susan Tilley , chairman of the board of the Van Cliburn Foundation ; Mildred Fender , the social chairman for this year 's competition ; Richard Rodzinski , director of the foundation ; and John Giordano , chairman of the jury .
30 Just as some people claim never to dream , and some say they dream every night , there are those who rarely remember having dreams in colour , and those who always do .
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