Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adv] it was " in BNC.

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1 Within the EEC the commitment to the Community seemed to be less ; or at least it was rather different .
2 Or at least it was a nice car . ’
3 Oh that was that was always done at new year time , or at least It was n't so much new year day as we called Yule Day .
4 Time would solve everything , or at least it was supposed to .
5 Or at least it was withdrawn as far as er railway engines were concerned .
6 And from here it was but a step to suggesting that women did not take the whole thing seriously as a profession .
7 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
8 It started to make er a bit of a horrible noise around the ten second mark and from there it was aborted immediately , erm the sledgehammer was handy and it was just a matter of seconds after that .
9 In reality , another story is just beginning for the victims of survivors , and until recently it was often a lonely or difficult one .
10 The new rules were bound to have an adverse effect on the general public 's attitude to the Society and before long it was obvious that the papingo shoot was losing its popularity with ordinary people , even as a spectacle .
11 In the morning we slipped it back under the hen , and at once it was part of the family .
12 But it was evident that men required this , daily , nightly ; and at least it was better than Mr Poole .
13 After a while , though , dismissing her memories , Ruth began to like it ; the sun was behind the mist , turning it into a glimmery silver haze ; and at least it was a different sort of weather .
14 The agent was older than her father , but Hyacinth had been well brought up , and at least it was an escape from the national chairman ; prettily she agreed to dance with him .
15 And by now it was all or nothing for both teams …
16 It was only later on that she started protesting strongly , and by then it was too late , he was close to coming .
17 And by then it was nearly dawn , and this time , the fourth time , the man stopped the car without Boy saying anything .
18 He only appeared when the boys were half way through supper ( corned-beef hash ) , and by then it was practically time for bed .
19 He was going to change that start later , but for now it was an easy lead in .
20 But for once it was the taking part that counted most and when you 've slept in the ruins of a fifties French post office , seen the New Year in with champers in the middle of a sand dune , coped with Idi Amin look-alike policemen and paid backstreet prices to backstreet petrol dealers , you 're going to have memories to last as long as the event .
21 Again she only lasted three months but for once it was n't her fault .
22 Outside , there were the usual hospital sounds — ambulant patients moving about the ward in slippers , nurses talking at the nurses ' station , the distant squeaking wheel of a cleaner 's trolley — but in here it was very quiet .
23 By the shore the driftwood was still travelling upriver , but in midstream it was gathering way headlong in the other direction .
24 For instance , people have long known that squeezing lemon juice on sliced fruits prevents them from turning brown , but until recently it was not known why lemon juice has this effect .
25 This was probably not the most significant draw on Saturday , but at least it was not reliant on a Lancaster Gate sell-out to televison or Sophia Loren 's fingers .
26 This particular move towards ‘ honesty ’ was seldom so kindly interpreted ; but at least it was then Americans , not contras , who could play hard and fast with the money .
27 But at least it was a start towards trying to find a mechanism .
28 Yanto 's head throbbed abominably as he cycled slowly to work the following morning , but at least it was Saturday , he told himself thankfully .
29 R was n't as nice as the one she 'd shared with her father but at least it was cheap .
30 It was crazy to hope that good might come out of this plaguy mess , but at least it was different from anything that had happened to her before .
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