Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If there 've been a whole series of articles articles about health or about food or something like that , no way are they going to do anything else on the subject , unless it 's , it 's brought in a very fierce readers ' letters column or something like that , in which case they may be open for another slant .
2 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
3 ‘ I have always been tested before or after competition and I am prepared to be tested any time by the IAAF . ’
4 I gave myself ones for like erm like ability like I know I 'm good at it but effort was like three , you know , I 'm below a but they , they 're stupid because it was either above average or below average and what 's just average , it was okay , I 've been really okay .
5 The supreme example of spiny defence is shown by the porcupine fish , a small inflatable creature that can puff itself up into a prickly sphere , either with an intake of water when under the surface , or with air when it has been caught and removed from the sea .
6 Our amendments do not get proper consideration on Report or in Committee if there is a timetable motion .
7 I became aware that the celebrity was looking at me fixedly ( either trying to remember who I was , in expectation of acknowledgement , or in surprise that I should cut him dead in such a manner ) .
8 The second of our problems had to be settled either over a table or in Court so it certainly was not acceptable to let 1,000 people in and hold them to ransom , as they did that night .
9 An executive may be consulted by telephone , letter or in person and he will usually keep notes of any presentations .
10 Bohannen ( 1971 ) describes six stations of divorce which may be happening simultaneously or in succession and which continue until some resolution is found .
11 She had never been less communicative either in speech or in manner and it was remarked on by Mrs Browning with curiosity .
12 So I mean perhaps they 'd be better off dead , just keeping them alive in a state of sickness or in coma or something of this sort — there was a great discussion about this and that erm you see not even life is the ultimate good in a sense , you see , at some point death is better .
13 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
14 You went into the 6th form or to college and you worked hard .
15 Or on holiday or something .
16 or at home and he 's put both his numbers unlikely or not I hope I do see you soon again .
17 It has been suggested that this norm has altered and that the courts will recognise as valid only legislation which has been passed by both houses and given the royal assent , has not been repealed expressly or by implication and which accords with our obligations under community law .
18 Send your answers by computer please ( or by post if you are in New Model Army ) to Thrills Moonwalker Competition And then be the first of two people out of the spangly hat .
19 From the Latin limbus ( the edge ) , it is the name given to the region inhabited by those spirits who can go neither to Heaven because they are not baptised , nor to Hell because they have committed no great sin .
20 Long ago , Miranda had realized that sexual involvement with Adam could only complicate her life , but she had been only half awake and off guard when he made his move .
21 Erm have people coming on and off stage when they want sides .
22 They also know other families with HC , and about COMBAT so they wo n't feel alone .
23 Such an approach would be centred upon the management of and for professionality and it would be based upon a relocation of the whole management process — away from a top-down managerial philosophy and practice , and towards a genuinely collegiate form which would go far beyond the traditional boundaries of delegation .
24 As one of the losing bidders said : ‘ This is not sour grapes but political polls may be great for promoting our name with the public and for cashflow but they are definitely questionable on profit . ’
25 At that time he was head of the College of Aeronautics , and I put it to him that there could be advantages both for Cranfield and for AIB if there were a two-month residential course for potential aircraft accident investigators .
26 We have matching for age and for education but it is possible that people who are older and well-educated have special opinions ; such a person happens to receive X and may give rise to a spurious effect .
27 It 's erm an area where two elements of the law do n't quite meet tidily and For instance if you worth four hundred thousand pounds big figure , and you had a hundred thousand of it in your own name and three hundred thousand jointly with your wife , wife die er you die , your estate for probate purposes is a hundred thousand pounds .
28 A room with breakfast at the inn cost 30 guilders , and for double that he could rent a decent-sized room for a year in Schevengin , a poor district behind the station .
29 Nevertheless there were times when Alexander Ramsay had to admit to himself that he found all this , essential and worth while as it certainly was , somehow less than satisfying after all the excitements of the recent past ; a feeling of being understretched as it were , less than fully challenged .
30 Shop around for a reasonable estimate , or hire a van and the services of some friends and do it yourself , it is much cheaper , and worth while if you are only moving a short distance .
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