Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 So the basic fusion mechanisms of deuterium fusing either with another deuterium or with a proton give helium-3 .
2 Experience in the laboratory or in the field gives those who do not intend to undertake research as a career the opportunity to learn how their subject has progressed through experiment .
3 Start off dahlia tubers indoors or in the greenhouse to give you shoots for cuttings to increase your stock .
4 Written quotations are available from any Midland branch , or from the address given below .
5 Kurecolor Brush Pens can be used from the point or from the side to give a variety of stroke qualities and they flex as they are drawn along the paper surface , adding character to the marks .
6 A person can not by reference to any contract terms or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence .
7 A person can not by reference to any contract terms or to a notice given to persons generally or to particular persons exclude or restrict his liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence .
8 Where they may differ from their informal counterparts is in the amount of time spent on such studies or on the message given to the children and their parents that such activities are incidental to ‘ real ’ learning ( the mastery of arithmetical or grammatical skills ) .
9 The fact was that talking to her either in person or on the phone gave him a sort of erection .
10 In the First World War radicals had looked to the emerging superpowers to enable democratic movements to set Europe to rights — whether by the enforcement of a Pax Americana , or by the boost given by the Russian Revolution to the campaign for a negotiated peace .
11 This could make one gram of tritium in half a day and as a byproduct give back some of the electrical power — one megawatt — from the fusion processes involved .
12 Another use of intonation connected with the focussing of attention is intonational subordination ; we can signal that a particular tone-unit is of comparatively low importance and as a result give correspondingly greater importance to adjacent tone-units .
13 We are excited about our new discoveries and about the opportunity to give our shareholders a significant return on their investments — and we want to convey our sense of excitement to our shareholders .
14 and for a while given him
15 They ask for more stimulus than their children provide and for the opportunity to give expression to their other creative and intellectual drives .
16 For these reasons and for the reasons given in the judgment of Scott L.J. , I , too , would allow this appeal .
17 I agree with it , and for the reasons given , I , too , would allow the appeal .
18 I agree with it , and for the reasons given , I , too , would allow the appeal .
19 This is structured through participation in social actions and in interaction with other people and institutions , and through the meanings given to these .
20 Over 2,000 dock workers immediately walked out despite the judgment and despite the advice given by their leaders not to do so .
21 In the second case , there will need to be an original and a duplicate ( or examined copy ) of each document so that the husband has a record of the release from the first mortgage and of the indemnity given him in respect of the second mortgage .
22 Conditioning , they argue , is determined by the conditional probability of occurrence of the US given the CS , and of the US given no CS .
23 What seemed to be a simple matter when merely held as a mental question , verbally unframed and with no thought given to response , appears as a simply impossible problem when it has actually to be put down on paper .
24 I agree with both the judgments that have been given and with the reasons given in those judgments for allowing this appeal .
25 The sun on its endless tour round and round the sky gives shadows and hues of infinite variety .
26 Carve both from the top in a boat shape , and from the side to give the round hull .
27 This follows from the linear law of Hooke relating stress and strain and from the definition given earlier that .
28 Thus Castro was in dire need of a Soviet commitment to preserve his revolution , and in a speech given to the United Nations on 26 September 1960 the Cuban leader may have been hinting at the price he might have been willing to pay when he said , ‘ We understand how terrible the subordination of the economy and life in general of nations to foreign economic power is .
29 But here is Mr Byrne denouncing conspiratorial ways , calling for open government , denouncing trade-union paymasters and in every way giving help and succour to the tabloid Conservative press .
30 I decided to put sections of the lake and river systems in the background , allowing an impression of the vegetation on the banks and in the distance to give a general idea of which part of a river or what type of lake was shown .
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