Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] must be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Note , if you attempt to use option 1.3.1 to read out a package containing a module which is HARDCPY ( hard copy only available ) , or NOISSUE ( no issue ) or to which you have no access , an error message will be displayed and option 1.3.2 , 1.3.3 , 1.3.4 or 1.3.5 must be used to selectively read out the modules in the package which are available .
2 In a compulsory registration area a lease granted for a term of forty years or more must be registered at HM Land Registry ( Land Registration Act 1925 , s123 ) .
3 It provides that existing holdings of 10 per cent or more must be notified to the EC-listed company at the first annual general meeting which takes place more than three months after the Directive has been implemented ; they must be notified to the competent authority at the same time and must be made public within one month after the meeting .
4 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
5 Yet Pickard was keen also to echo the more positive tone of the seminar and the alleged changing face of the administration in this country , when he said , ‘ There are still many things to be done but there is renewed enthusiasm and that must be maintained .
6 We must provide the means , the equipment and the training , and that must be maintained year after year .
7 I must tell you that this infant has never cried at all apart from at the moment of birth when he took his first breath — and that must be accepted as an unavoidable demand for satisfaction of an impossible desire .
8 The idea , the idea of it though and from an auditor 's point of view one of the things they will be looking at is that every one where you wrote when we are not doing this must have a valid reason and a new methodology must be met on how you are going to cover that particular aspect and that must be authorised .
9 And that must be checked .
10 The risk is that a show 's technical and business farming content can be eroded in the process , and that must be avoided at all costs .
11 " I see that you have n't been properly introduced , " he said , " and that must be put right at once .
12 We all know packaging is often superfluous … an excess to make people buy the product rather than just wrap it up and that must be recovered … so we want the industry to use minimum packaging and we want the industry to come forward with ideas on that — if they do n't then we 'll legislate .
13 The Government have set aside £44 million for the period 1989-92 to aid and to stimulate the installation of computers in doctors ' practices and that must be welcomed by all of us .
14 ‘ N ’ prefix endorsements all carry variable terms and each must be checked .
15 Some parents leap forward eagerly and some must be dragged to the battle lines .
16 The policies of the Korean Communist Party emphasised the overthrow of Japanese imperialism as axiomatic and this must be followed by policies to foster mass education , liberation of women , and the elimination of religion .
17 Thus what Strange calls sterling 's role as a ‘ negotiated ’ currency — a top currency on the slide , which has to be constantly defended — emerged enormously strengthened from the Attlee period , and this must be seen as a major part of the legacy of that government .
18 As a group , today 's old people are still relatively deprived in our society and this must be seen as a major failure in social security policies .
19 Right now the trade union movement in Britain is functioning as a white man 's union and this must be challenged .
20 Len Dennis , in his article about a butler 's tray ( WW/Dec.91/p.1284 ) writes ‘ There will be some deviation … where they ( the two cylinder arcs ) meet , and this must be smoothed out . ’
21 All the research has consisted of work towards the design and production of catalogue systems which satisfy the following criteria : they must be usable at sight without any appreciable need for learning or relearning , and this must be achieved without sacrificing effectiveness and without making them tedious for experienced users .
22 Only the professor in a hospital department is allowed to do private practice and this must be done on the hospital premises .
23 To meet these aspirations we must make the best use of our human , technological , material and financial resources and this must be done within the framework of a well planned and a well managed system .
24 Cases are taking 16 months or more , with a backlog of 60,000 , and this must be rectified , especially as , we have been told , the number of applications has increased by 10 times in four years — from 5,000 in 1988 to 50,000 this year .
25 The potentiometer joystick produces an analogue signal corresponding to the position of the stick and this must be converted into digital form , either by the computer or a suitable interface .
26 Over a period of seven months the widow Hoskin was gifted payments totalling £6 : 3s. : 6d. and this must be presumed to be her pension !
27 It is certainly not intended that intrusion of any kind should be encouraged into an area of the child 's experience which must be sensitively respected , and this must be kept in mind when reading the section ‘ My family ’ .
28 The ward sister will be required to write a ward report on the student , and this must be discussed fully with her .
29 As the two bifilar windings of each phase are situated on the same stator poles within the motor , there is close mutual coupling between the windings and this must be taken into account when considering circuit conditions at turn-on and turn-If .
30 This would lead to conflict with Rome and this must be avoided at all costs .
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