Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Summer seasons , pantomime and certain Fringe or small-scale companies also have a quota for performers and assistant stage managers and acting ASMs .
2 Whatever the merits of Devlin 's position , of the crimes in private between consenting adults which he wished to retain , homosexuality , abortion , incest , pornography and prostitution have either been partially decriminalized or some proposals therefor have been put forward .
3 During the past two or three generations there have been , there has been this , this idea of God 's favour being expressed in blessing .
4 The Commissioners enquired how and why would the pension be paid , and the Governors explained that Hamilton was now 67 , had been Headmaster for 27 years , and although not then in bad health had two or three years previously had a serious illness , and was not considered equal to the work .
5 As a result lower level or petty bureaucrats frequently have to rely upon local people for economic perks ( access to a small plot of land , or to credit on favourable terms , or the rent of a house ) .
6 The lads just have n't been doing the business over the last 2 or 3 games though have they ?
7 Some may be seen 20 or more years later to have been seminal but were ignored because they did not fit into the theories current at the time .
8 Children cared for by grandmothers or foster mothers during their first three or four years often have great difficulty when they return to live with their natural parents or a new step-parent .
9 One or two members already had some knowledge of it from press reports and Black 's fellow employees in Short Brothers .
10 ‘ Career breaks would enable women to choose to take five , six or seven years out to have their families but in that time they would be kept in touch , ’ said Miss Armstrong .
11 Individuals in the party and the government came to use the situation in whatever way they could to optimize their own position , ranging from exercising the increased power which district and regional officials now had over the citizenry , to carrying out routine tasks perfunctorily while acquiring a significant income from black market activities .
12 In spite of undoubted social and economic changes there has been no revolution in values .
13 The collectors of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries evidently had few qualms about braving remote and inhospitable peoples and places , and their donations to the Museum collections occasionally reflect the intimidations and perils they faced in acquiring them — precisely what Museum staff experience when confronted with some of these legacies .
14 But this increased local differentiation cuts across party lines , and especially within the Conservative and Labour parties there has been an increasing ideological polarization , which , though denied expression in the tightly controlled atmosphere of Westminster , often surfaces at the local level .
15 The magazine has changed its appearance and the design of both cover and inside pages now has a more open , cleaner design .
16 Their middle and top of the range boots were obviously a cross between a ski boot and a walking boot , designed to give a better fit , stability , and support , and some models even had a built in gaiter .
17 The video standards body , VESA , completed a local bus standard in 1992 and some machines now have VESA Locl Bus ( VL Bus ) slots .
18 Some snacks like crisps and some nuts also have obvious added salt .
19 Some textbooks imply that it does n't matter ; few instructors teach it ; and some schools even have a policy not to lean .
20 Many of the old families and old quintas still have good collections of antiques , augmented over the years by visitors who used to sell china , silver and furniture to pay their bills before leaving the island .
21 Surely the small group of people who will face the economic and social changes head-on have some authority in deciding their future arrangements for their system of government .
22 Sociologists and social anthropologists now have a clearer understanding of the nature of their propositions , seeing them as attempts to provide interpretative accounts of one social group 's ways of living to another group , which has a different set of values and assumptions .
23 Stockier build than Common Gull ( p. 153 ) with white wing-tips , heavy red bill appearing to droop at tip , and longer red legs , while winter and immature birds usually have dark smudge through eye .
24 The French and English kings sometimes had to help those who had served them to regain their freedom : in 1444 Sir John Handford , who had been in France for more than twenty years , received 15,000 livres from Henry VI as a contribution towards the purchase of his freedom ; while Jean de Rodemack got a substantial sum towards the payment of his ransom from René d'Anjou , and Georges de la Trémoîlle received a seigneurie in Poitou from Charles VII in lieu of ransom promised but not paid .
25 Carter came to office determined to improve relations with Western Europe ( and Japan ) but his tendency towards indecision and contradictory actions soon had its effect on NATO .
26 The Abbey Church evolved from the early Christian basilica and early examples still had the altar at the west end .
27 Family and part-time farmers usually had to make greater sacrifices than those from the larger units to attend training courses so it was extremely important that they should derive benefits from participating .
28 The Royal College of Physicians and similar organisations overseas have studied alternative allergy and found it wanting in scientific credibility and clinical usefulness .
29 Safety training is also about attitudes and such schemes rarely have the hoped for success because the difficulty and time required are invariably underestimated .
30 The market in modern art was not yet developed and contemporary painters rarely had a one-man show .
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