Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore the signal extraction problem will yield different solutions depending upon the economic environment : economies with highly volatile aggregate demand movements will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a high proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock ; economies with highly stable aggregate demand will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a low proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock .
2 Therefore the signal extraction problem will yield different solutions depending upon the economic environment : economies with highly volatile aggregate demand movements will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a high proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock ; economies with highly stable aggregate demand will , ceteris paribus , be economies in which agents will attribute a low proportion of any unexpectedly high or low price to an aggregate demand shock .
3 Maureen Roberts , the late Director of the Edinburgh Breast Screening Project , observed that screening ‘ is not offering any certainty of cure or normal life to the women who attend , merely a prolongation of years for a few .
4 Throughout the text , other works are cross-referenced for more detailed or specific assistance to a practitioner who may be looking into one particular area in more detail .
5 Extrinsic ageing stems from repeated or persistent injury to the body tissues leading to a kind of degeneration that makes us older than our years .
6 A non-exclusive list of examples of such abuses is provided : ( a ) directly or indirectly imposing unfair purchase or selling prices or other unfair trading conditions ; ( b ) limiting production , markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers ; ( c ) applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties , thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage ; ( d ) making the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which , by their nature or according to commercial usage , have no connection with the subject of such contracts .
7 They might be asked to contribute information to a careers programme , or technical expertise to a science lesson .
8 However , the target 's board will usually want appropriate confidentiality undertakings and will be reluctant to disclose sensitive commercial or technical information to an offeror which is a competitor .
9 A ride in a hired limousine or private car to the cemetery and back , and a good drink , with a meal , at the home of some relative of the deceased .
10 Her action is seen as an irrational or emotional response to a particular situation ; she ‘ only did it for love ’ , for example .
11 It recognises that competition is not an end in itself by providing a procedure whereby , although certain agreements or arrangements may prevent , restrict or distort competition , they may none the less improve the production or distribution of goods or promote technical or economic progress to the benefit of consumers .
12 The king-duke was sovereign and was not bound to pay any homage , fealty or feudal service to the crown of France .
13 These views of the consequences of literacy , held with greater or lesser attention to the explicit caveats which Goody enters , deeply permeate the work of his fellow anthropologists as well as that of developmentalists and some social psychologists .
14 The same is true for those Caribbeans who have moved to London , with the additional complication that they will accommodate to a greater or lesser extent to the norms of London English , as shown by J.C .
15 The supply of aid or multilateral finance to an LDC might be an indication of future import contracts .
16 These authorities suggest that a promise to pay money , or to do any other act , in a certain event but without any express or implied request to the promisee to bring about , or to promise to bring about , that event , is made without consideration .
17 But these social and technological changes hardly brought a more leisurely or carefree life to the farming families ( who were later to be emigrants to Britain , see Table I ) .
18 It was crucial for successful demand management that central government generated or contained investment to an appropriate level .
19 The great need , in his view , is to cultivate selfless or detached action to the exclusion of egocentric activity .
20 To the insensitive , theological talk seems as redundant as a prescription to a man who thinks he is well or a recipe to a man who is overfed or another cheque to a billionaire .
21 It can sometimes be argued that the child 's interests will be served by allowing a parent or another party to the proceedings further time to prepare for a hearing but this will depend very much on the circumstances of the case .
22 Much of the writing about television fiction seems to me to remain at the level of elementary genres , grounded in the dominance of the semantic aspect , with relatively little analytic or historical attention to the ‘ verbal ’ ( style , mise-en-scene ) or the ‘ syntactic ’ ( narrative structure ) : there is very little close textual analysis of television fiction , and there is no scholarly history of the development of television form to compare with the histories which have emerged of early cinema .
23 modification or this change to the policy .
24 Hankering after the old order is congenial to some minds , but seeking to revert by force or civil unrest to the status quo ante is not .
25 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
26 The grounds upon which the powers to impose conditions may be exercised are very similar to those which are available in relation to processions ; section 14 provides that if the senior police officer believes that a public assembly may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or that the purposes of the persons organising it is to intimidate others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do , he may impose conditions as to the place of the assembly , its maximum duration or the maximum number of persons who may constitute it as may appear to him necessary to prevent the disorder , damage , disruption or intimidation .
27 Of course , the user of a GIS would not be concerned exclusively with relative or absolute location to the exclusion of the attributes of the spatial entities , nor would he or she be interested solely in the non-spatial characteristics ( the attributes ) of the spatial entities .
28 The traveller also needs an onward or return ticket to a destination outside North America or the Caribbean and must complete a visa waiver form .
29 This is made simply by stapling four or five strips of cardboard or similar material to a larger sheet to form pockets .
30 For the purpose of asking whether a given set of people may be enslaved , or deprived of their property , or denied access to the law courts , or the like , decency is best served by remembering that these are beings as conscious and valuable as ourselves , sharing our vulnerabilities and sensibilities .
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