Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 This is because St James 's Church was not listed as a building of architectural or historic interest after it was declared redundant and thus the cost of the building work would attract Value Added Tax at the standard rate .
2 And what I will do is to look erm tt in some detail at er an analysis of a man r called Richard Newstat I mentioned last time , Mr Shirley Williams , and Richard Newstat wrote a book in nineteen sixty called Presidential Power and that book is now in whatever , what it is , I do n't know , seventh or eight edition and it 's probably still the single best selling book on the American presidency and er for good reason because it , it , it raises an , an argument which is really quite simple but often neglected .
3 It 's like a recipe — you leave out this or that ingredient and it kind of tastes the same , but not exactly .
4 At every point in those historic struggles which founded the Protestant and radical traditions in Europe , and which severed radicalism from the body of the Catholic Church , the struggle was as much for personal gain or for political or economic dominance as it was for any pure-hearted vision of goodness .
5 The principal debate about mode of origin initially centred upon the subaerial or marine hypothesis but it was later deduced , in the light of studies of contemporary shore processes , that marine planation could only be effective for less than one kilometre unless sea level was rising ( Bradley , 1956 ; King , 1963 ) .
6 It too easily discards the spiritual dimension of human experience as attributable to some kind of personal or social pathology and it creates a taboo a bit like the one there used to be about sex .
7 The animal 's essence ( or the Spirits of Nature ) will seek redress or retribution against the hunter , his family or social group if it is killed without prior approval or proper conduct .
8 cover the concrete with either polythene sheeting or wet sacking while it cures .
9 Absorption or wet scrubbing as it is often called has however the disadvantage of having to dispose of the liquid effluent obtained , which may itself require treatment before disposal , and has led to the comment that we may be merely replacing one effluent problem by another by using this method .
10 Such mastery , however , will normally be brief ; it is unlikely to outlast the passing of crisis and/or movement in the cycles of history ; it will not survive substantial loss of congressional or popular support and it will be relentlessly eroded by the passage of time .
11 It is the state which provides the opportunity to practise in a monopolistic or restrictive fashion and it is the legal profession which reinforces the existing social order .
12 Use hot or warm water and it turns bitter and unpleasant .
13 The latter specification defines a satisfactory product ; it is only when the product has undergone change to the extent that it no longer complies fully with the check or shelf-life specification that it has reached the end of its shelf-life .
14 We think of design only as applying to aesthetic matters like furniture or graphic art but it applies to everything .
15 a great waste ground of four miles broad and more … and the side thereof that lieth towards England is the common pasture of the uttermost inhabited towns of England , and the side thereof towards Scotland is so wet a moss or marshy ground that it will neither bear corn nor serve for the pasture of any cattle , also their way scarcely any man pass over it .
16 Just connect it to your hi-fi , walkman or electric guitar and it will interpret the sounds into colour , patterns and beams that project up to 30 feet , bouncing off ceilings and walls .
17 Not difficult to understand then why a stove can be a backpacker 's best friend — or worst enemy if it 's not suited to the use you intend .
18 Someone looking after a partner or relative with Alzheimer 's disease — or senile dementia as it is also known — has particular problems .
19 The record industry , of course , runs on hyperbole , and Virgin Records , like any other , had a press office feeding stories to the music or national press when it profited them to do so , and doing their utmost to keep the press at bay when it did n't .
20 If the school is already well on the way to successful marketing then relationships with parents as a group and on an individual basis will be or good quality and it will be fairly straightforward to contact people directly to ask them to undertake specific responsibilities .
21 cos it makes a fun funny humming or buzzing noise because it picks up the vibrations through the table otherwise .
22 Delays would increase or decrease , according to whether the court was presented with more or less work than it could handle .
23 This could apply to trade advertising , or business-to-business advertising as it is called now , particularly if this is highly technical .
24 Sixty per cent of the ships carry oil or oil derivatives , natural gas , chemicals or nuclear waste and it is estimated that an additional 75 million tonnes of oil would pass through the Bosphorus each year " the equivalent of four supertankers a day " if oil from Azerbaijan 's oil fields was pumped to a Black Sea port for onward shipment .
25 If there is an open fire , you must have a coal bunker of reasonable size at hand , and there must be a coal merchant willing to deliver good quality coal , or smokeless fuel if it is a smokeless zone .
26 Although Wordsworth had produced more poems than Coleridge for their joint volume , Lyrical Ballads , honour was satisfied by giving the long Ancient Mariner — or Ancyent Marinere as it was originally spelt — pride of place .
27 Its call is a more gurgling or bubbling sound and it is chiefly seen in the mornings , when it likes to drink .
28 The old Lock-up , or Blind House as it was called , no doubt through its lack of windows , is also behind the Town Hall but was originally in the parish churchyard .
29 is fine swinging the ball with the tide erm , when Tufnell 's bowling , just an alteration in the field , Mike was deep forward square leg , if , if , that 's the right place he was neither square legged or mid wicket and it 's prompted him to move straighter , but he 's just a natural swing for the left-hander to hit with the tide in that mid wicket area .
30 This conclusion is as pertinent to women caring for an elderly or disabled person as it is to their sisters caring for young , able-bodied children .
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