Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The disadvantage of that was you could n't have somebody in with the class for five or six lessons just standing there pretending to film .
2 I could n't help contrasting it with Antrim , Edinburgh , Gateshead , even Crystal Palace where you needed two or three tracksuits just to keep warm .
3 I saw the horses , and three or four men just sitting there .
4 If we spend one or two minutes just thinking about whose responsibility is training ?
5 Every time a concrete suggestion was made that they agreed on , someone would point out that the system , policy , or financial information just requested was already in place or something similar could easily be in place .
6 fits on there and that bit just rests on the wall , well then
7 I did n't know where to look , and that bisum just sat there cool as a cucumber wolfing down my Celebration Chile Con Carne Surprise .
8 Studies also bear out that people are the most effective disseminators of know-how , and that hardware just dropped on the doorstep is the least effective .
9 I know you are funny sometimes , and some Bonnie just looks at you and she starts laughing and he has n't even said anything or something .
10 The grass was lucky if it grew , was shone upon and rained upon , and was not burned , and was not pulled up by the roots , or poisoned , or buried when the ground was turned over , and some bits just happened to be on a line that humans wanted to walk on , and so got trampled , broken , pressed flat , with no malice ; just effect .
11 Cos I w he was , he was in the Post Office one day and he saw this old woman and she 'd just cashed all her giros and this bloke just nicked it in the Post Office .
12 ‘ Well , it 's Mel Gibson and he hits this turbo drive and this car just takes off .
13 Someone nicked Brix 's earrings and this lad just walked up and grabbed Mark E Smith 's beer and just walked off with it and Mark was juts like making out like he thought it was really ‘ cool ’ being robbed by these street kids , these really horrible street kids who were just ripping the piss out of them … ‘
14 there 's a horse erm in some of the fields just coming out of Morpeth towards Newcastle and I saw , pardon me as I was on the bus like yesterday coming into Morpeth and this horse just shot out of nowhere and it was really enjoying itself !
15 The Spanish growers may be doing their best to provide tomatoes acceptable to the English market but evidently English varieties and the Spanish soil and climatic conditions just do n't suit each other .
16 No longer are my positive and negative leads just hanging free about to blow a fuse or allow my personal electricity to seep away .
17 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
18 A crowd walking eight abreast can trample a good-size swathe through a hay meadow and single file just makes common sense , although I must admit the signs did seem to be something of an overkill .
19 Of course , for every Miss Miniver of 1909 there was probably an Ann Veronica , her dormant and delicious sexuality just waiting for H. G. Wells , New Man that he was , to wave his magic wand .
20 Many corporations have top heavy , vertical organization structures and new ideas just take too long to move through the business process .
21 He said the worst figures were in ophthalmology where patients had to wait between 48 and 71 weeks just to see a consultant for a diagnosis .
22 But some schools just do n't know what to do with the computers .
23 Some had pillows and blankets but many people just wrapped themselves in their outdoor cloaks .
24 The horrible reindeers laughed and laughed , they thought it was funny , but poor Randolph just lay on the ground , with large reindeer , tears dripping off his face .
25 Some people smile when they go past and there 's this woman with a couple of kids over the other side from me , but most people just walk past like they ai n't interested .
26 But most people just got a headache .
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