Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] that she " in BNC.

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1 Certainly it had none of the verve or joyous beauty that she associated with him .
2 Yeah , and cos we had , we had the bathroom that was originally there , that they knocked through to build all this extension , was converted into a shower room , and she did n't think that the sink was right in that , and the disabled bathroom had at least two or three pieces that she thought bolshie in that as well ,
3 He 'd been no more than another face around the yard on the two or three occasions that she 'd been by , no reason that he should have made any lasting impression on her at all .
4 She had made that declaration and that commitment that she would go with her mother-in-law wherever she went that her God , Naomi 's God would be Ruth 's God , and that Naomi 's people , would be Ruth 's people .
5 Anne Marie and that girlfriend that she 's going about with today .
6 She had experienced her mother as a distant figure who at times just grabbed her and moved her about , but she had not had the physical and emotional closeness that she craved and needed .
7 Occasionally a cheeky shop girl in town , caring nothing , and with nothing to lose , would face her out , but Clara on these occasions felt such anxiety and associated shame that she dared not rejoice .
8 Something was happening between her and this man that she did n't understand .
9 Nevertheless the memory of his stricken face was somehow disturbing and made her feel guilty — a strange and unpleasant sensation that she tried to banish by taking a final look at her patient .
10 Mrs B told the police and social workers that she must telephone her husband in England ; she must tell him what was happening to his children .
11 Strong-willed and ambitious for her children , she did not retain the affection of her youngest child , Samuel , despite her early devotion to him , and left him in adult life with an obscure and painful sense that she had treated him cruelly .
12 He had shown her round the parish with such an enthusiasm for its social and ethnic diversity that she had warmed to him and , when offered the curacy , accepted .
13 He could see by her awkward stance and darting eyes that she was acutely embarrassed .
14 But the Princess Royal has never enjoyed the grandeur of formal royal occasions and the second time round she will most likely go for something along the lines of the more relaxed and comfortable clothes that she usually favours .
15 He had a thick crop of wiry hair the colour of good toffee , and heavy eyelashes many shades darker , as lavish as on a Jersey cow , fringing golden-brown eyes of such steady and limpid sincerity that she felt certain he could not possibly be just what he seemed .
16 She had a clear and frightening premonition that she would not be able to manage it .
17 Then Alexia Lindsay , just retired from the Christian Aid office , took over the Ephemera Stall with such flair and brilliant success that she will certainly be encored too .
18 Now he was driven by a sensual hunger , a desire to satisfy a deep and powerful instinct that she had no strength , no will to fight .
19 But , such was her superiority over Good For The Roses and 17 others that she could have won at almost any distance .
20 She hid in her bedroom , frightened by the strange and terrible sounds that she heard around her .
21 He was unshaven , and his stomach was beginning to protrude over his belt , but there were still traces of the fine , athletic figure and well-cut features that she had married seven years ago .
22 I had to find her a flat , move her in , go to the Electricity Board , and then her husband Monica 's one of those who need a mother , someone who takes her on An idea came into Alice 's head of such beautiful and apt simplicity that she began laughing quietly to herself .
23 Others were distinctly modern , looking sharp and raw against the soft colours of their rural backdrop , but all were built with the steeply sloping roofs and heavy timbering that she 'd already come to recognise as typical of the region .
24 It is in her flowing translations and philological work that she shines .
25 The cold and dreadful pain that she never told herself was jealousy went through Alice .
26 She 'd probably looked around the flat and compared it with the two shabby and incomplete rooms that she 'd just left , and the first foundations of the barrier would have been laid .
27 Stephanie could feel Frederica 's tolerant and arrogant knowledge that she , Frederica , was now tangential to all this .
28 Betty sells the cards to friends and relatives , and any profit that she makes goes to charity .
29 And shrewd businesswoman that she has quickly become , she is milking the phenomenon for all it is worth .
30 She lay awake for a long time that night , going over the conversation with her mother , trying to work out what she should say to Leo , and she rehearsed so many and varied conversations that she thought she 'd go mad .
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