Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] that he " in BNC.

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1 The early or lower stages that he has identified are first , a stage in which children 's thinking is rooted in obedience to adults , fear of punishment and acceptance of authority ; then a stage of an essentially self-interested acceptance , for the sake of reciprocity , of a principle of fairness between peers ; and then a further stage of seeking approval and desiring to be well thought of by one 's community or group .
2 Of course , the moral or symbolic stature that he gained from making the right choice at the outset did not guarantee de Gaulle his triumphant arrival in North Africa in mid-1943 .
3 He has been so busy in the last two or three months that he has been forced to temporarily stop promoting his products .
4 If he found after two or three days that he was n't really making much headway , he would then , after he 'd left the police courts , say to me I think you 'd better go down street or somewhere and see if you can find
5 I mean that 's just one village , or one county that he 's described but how widespread throughout the north
6 A trainer may frequently have to change a preconceived way of educating a horse to avoid some problem or bad habit that he or she ‘ senses ’ will arise .
7 Why , it was almost half-past ten , yet there was no Ace , nor any signs that he 'd been downstairs before her .
8 Behavioural precursors of schizophrenia included a poor emotional rapport in the psychiatric interview , and parental observations that he or she had been a passive baby , with a short attention span in childhood , and often impolite behaviour , while school reports often noted that the child was isolated , uneasy about criticism , easily upset , and disturbed the class ( Parnas et al. , 1982 ) .
9 and that pen that he broke were n't mine it were his .
10 Mozart worked with the commonplace musical fabric of his time , the prescribed structures , instrumental combinations , harmonic progressions and melodic formulae that he had absorbed as a child , and from which a Salieri and hundreds like him fashioned polite , two-dimensional drawing-room music suitable for the delectation or titillation of many a jaded aristocratic ear .
11 In a statement issued from his office , Reagan described Weinberger as " a man of the highest integrity " and expressed confidence that he would be " fully vindicated " .
12 What is surprising is not that the rural past should be called up , but that the writer should invest it with the imaginative and emotional power that he does .
13 This came in January 1991 , with the arrival on the scene of licensed engineer Bob Eatwell , who admits that if he had known of the multitude of technical and administrative problems that he faced , would have walked out of the Rochester workshop , into sanity !
14 Byrkin 's balance was lost , and each step that he took was an agony of effort and fear .
15 It had been with shame and some irritation that he had recognized in himself for the first time the nagging of jealousy .
16 He said that he and Karen could have , he said at the present prices he and this Karen that he 's , that left him er they , they could have had erm a place together because some one bedroom flats , two bedroom flats around are going at thirty five thousand , thirty one .
17 And it was undoubtedly at this deeply atavistic and liberating level that he responded from the first to tribal art .
18 Carson stood in the open quadrangle of tended plants and empty benches that he assumed to be the ‘ garden area in the middle ’ , and looked around .
19 which was his job and and had everything there and he , he patched through to this computer this place and different computers that he had .
20 Behind him he could hear one of the boys mutter that Mr Wilson had gone mad , and another reply that he always had been .
21 He clearly understood that the postmodern audience is radically different from previous audiences in that it brings to the marketplace a set of ideal interests that are no longer connected with meanings , but in which demand has become increasingly oriented to detached , shallow , and meaningless signifiers that he obligingly produced .
22 To press his case , de Gaulle again employed the tactics of withdrawal and threatened resignation that he had used with the British in 1941 and 1942 .
23 Rory had decided early to make a story out of sex , to lift it from the dark and violent mystery that he suspected had lain between his parents .
24 He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places that he knows and loves .
25 Ensure that the candidate got a fair deal and left feeling that he had done himself justice ?
26 Tormented and frustrated by his yearnings to be a woman , the certain and shattering knowledge that he was caught in the wrong body , he finally decided the only answer was to have a sex change operation .
27 It was against self-will and worldly desires that he set his face ; and these could only be overcome by personal conversion .
28 His death two days later in a Hebron prison provoked Palestinian , Arab and international accusations that he had been tortured to death .
29 But there can be little doubt that he had two causes in mind , and great probability that he had also a third .
30 She is obsessed with her brother in much the same autocratic and selfish way that he is obsessed with Pamela .
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