Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] and at " in BNC.

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1 We all looked again and it was n't H. The bastard had met this Jake a year or two back and at once noted the resemblance .
2 The DTI — the Department of Trade and Industry — started to check up on one or two deals and at the first whiff of them he was away on his toes .
3 And then he did another one where at work he paid in a pound a week or two pound and at the end of the year , they kept the money like in the bank .
4 A complete skull is therefore defined here as one preserving intact the maxilla and frontal bones and at least half of the cranial vault ( Fig. 3.11 ) .
5 The University of Edinburgh has a long and distinguished history and at a time of difficulty for the institutions of higher education throughout the country , Edinburgh is in a process of constantly reappraising and improving standards to meet the growing demands of a changing world .
6 The girl comes from a large and extended family and at all times when my client and its officers were trying to obtain information and ascertain the conditions the girl was living in , their task was made more difficult , in some cases very difficult indeed , sir , by the attitude to the authorities of certain members of the girl 's family .
7 What we do know is that two or three groups are involved and the sale could well turn into an auction … there 's local and national interest and at least one very well known figure is in the market to buy … speculation has named Virgin boss Richard Branson again … but his office said this afternoon he was n't in the running …
8 One may need to look closely at developmental and familial aspects , at past and present circumstances and at feelings which , regardless of age , may be unconscious and deeply submerged .
9 The breath hydrogen concentration was measured at -60 , -30 , and 0 minutes and at 10 minute intervals thereafter , over a four hour period .
10 This was delineated in the middle class by sharper divides in primary and secondary education and at upper levels by stricter matriculation standards .
11 Until 1961 des Forges and Harber recorded 11 and there have been four since , at Sidlesham on 8 September 1968 , and three in 1973 ; at Beachy Head on 10 May and 1 June and at Rye on 13 June .
12 He obtained his freedom in 1610 , and thereafter built a successful business as printer and publisher , despite being frequently at the centre of political and religious controversy and at odds with the more established members of his company .
13 All our patients were regarded as having ulcerative colitis before pouch surgery , based on all available clinical , endoscopic , radiological , and pathological information and at laparotomy based on absence of anal and ileal disease and from the macroscopic appearances of the resected bowel .
14 But I would not be true to myself if I did not record my own thanks to all who serve on the Board for their hard and devoted work and at this time , to take a moment to thank the retiring vice convenor Bill for his work , his prayers , his support , his wisdom and his fellowship over the many years that he and I have served together .
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