Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [modal v] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Special safeguards will apply to protect employees of system operators to ensure that those who are careless or negligent will not be accused of criminal offences .
2 Eric Howe , the Data Protection Registrar , had argued that the activities of the mischievous or curious should not be criminalised .
3 Taxpayers with an annual income of £6,500 or less will not be affected by the changes .
4 This will mean that a person working 16 hours a week or more will not be able to claim income support .
5 From this , they should come to recognise that judgements about what is appropriate or correct can not be immutable .
6 Inevitably , success brings its own problems and one or two will not be happy sitting on the sidelines .
7 Certainly a Settle & Carlisle or two can not be ruled out .
8 But you know I still think that I 'm drawn towards that sort of teaching , performing that kind of role erm and that would n't be fulfilled by librarianship at all .
9 She , Claudia , would have to try to pick up the pieces , and that would n't be easy .
10 She kept her eyes lowered when Feargal stood to speak , because if he glanced at her , and she saw contempt in his eyes , she would probably lose her temper , and that would n't be fair , not on Terry 's day .
11 And that would n't be the case er with er with some of the er with with the option that 's being put forward .
12 ‘ But then there 'd be a lot of tyres lying round the place and that would n't be very nice , would it . ’
13 And that would n't be cold would it ?
14 This will make it extremely hard for some players to get more than two or three of the 11 games in Australia — and that would not be long enough to evaluate the newcomers ' test qualifications .
15 Barnard was as uncompromising as Lauda : he wanted the engine in a brand-new car , and that would not be ready until the 1984 season .
16 For the moment , he was canny enough to see the wisdom of keeping his stepson sweet , and that would not be achieved by stirring up a hornets ' nest .
17 2.15.9 such parts of the main structure walls foundations and roofs of the Centre that are not included in the Premises and that would not be included in the Premises demised by the Leases of all the other units in the Centre if let on the same terms as this Lease
18 The range of books on sale would be reduced and that would not be good for the customer .
19 People will start talking about Leeds and that ca n't be all a bad thing .
20 because I do n't speak to at all now and that ca n't be right and the reason I do n't is because I know the response I 'm gon na get , blank look
21 It 's a tricky race however with Dermot Weld fancying his chances and that ca n't be good news for the rest of the trainers involved .
22 Sadly , the only conclusion I 've been able to arrive at since Mr Lamont did his bit , is that the sooner I become a recluse with a string of racehorses the better and that ca n't be right .
23 ‘ Not till the next time you come , anyway , and that might not be for ages . ’
24 Being professional requires the highest standard of response — and that might not be another memo .
25 You may feel pressured to buy what ‘ everybody else is getting this year , Mum , ’ but there are alternatives to please you both — and that wo n't be broken by Boxing Day .
26 ‘ That depends on whether or not we get the green light for a full series , and that wo n't be known for a couple of months .
27 They need to have somebody that 's a bit liberal and a bit open and that wo n't be available under a Conservative government will it ?
28 And that may not be as bad as it first sounds .
29 So a female quail does not begin to incubate her clutch of a dozen or so eggs until it is complete , and that may not be for a fortnight after the first was laid .
30 So prices have tend to have fallen on world markets for agricultural goods because of support right , and they 've also become a lot more volatile and that , and that is the er the source of the international frustration with erm the common agricultural policy and this is why we 've got agriculture er being introduced into the G A T T. Not only does it impose huge costs on domestic tax payers and consumers , it also in incurs erm a large cost on third country exporters , right now if you think that most of those countries may well be developing countries and agricultural output is their only source of foreign exchange erm then er the policies of the rich countries in the West are erm a actively erm hindering the development prospects of developing countries alright and that may not be the desired intention .
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