Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [prep] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes his eyes would glaze over for a second or two as if he were out of their world altogether .
2 Two pounds sixty to tell them how to do that six horses and if you win good prizes , you get a thousand or two with if you win .
3 jester let his head sag lower and lower as if he were falling asleep .
4 Running in a half-mile race with little pains tearing at my chest and my knees sinking lower and lower as if I were running across quick-sands .
5 The availability of similar speeds across the network could make the future remote facilities as intuitive and supportive as if they were all on the user 's desktop .
6 Fand looked stranger than ever , her face fixed and old as if she were withering in this icy fire .
7 The stern yet mellow voice was unmistakeable , as bright and fresh as if it was 1979 when I was in my school uniform eating beans on toast , stretched out in front of the telly … and boy , did he speak quickly
8 His hair was grey , and his face lined and brown as if he had been in the sun for a long time .
9 The memory was sour-sweet , bubbling up out of the dream-past with this chance remark , as fresh and real as if it were happening now .
10 A species , as a succession of organisms produced sexually , might have only a limited total lifetime , Darwin argued ; just as a succession of apple trees propagated by grafts was supposed to last only so long before degenerating and dying as if it were merely the extension of a single limited life .
11 Among the fragments of blackened paper he saw a used safety match , the unburnt half of the stem clean and white as if it had only recently been struck .
12 ‘ But she 's dead , ’ she eventually heard herself point out , flat and toneless as if she was n't much interested .
13 word clear and comprehensible as if she were in the front row of the stalls .
14 His expression was severe and disapproving as if he 'd just been sucking on a slice of lemon .
15 The machines hummed and snick-snicked as if they had been warned to keep their voices down .
16 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
17 Luke 's voice , as clear and incisive as if he stood beside her , said peremptorily , ‘ I seem to have forgotten my passport .
18 Thus Barthes 's account of wrestling does not seem so strange and unlikely as if it were merely his own and there were no alternative account against which his was implicitly juxtaposed .
19 They looked empty and forlorn as if they had not yet adjusted themselves to their premature change of life .
20 And of course it was the first thing Hepzibah said , turning pink and steamy from the stove and smiling as if it were the most natural thing in the world that Carrie and Nick should appear in her kitchen at precisely this minute .
21 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
22 And out of the disorder of the mangled metal work comes a process as flowing and systematic as if it were building a pristine model from scratch .
23 The crows attacked and her movements were strangely slow and disorientated as if she could not quite see them , or make her wings and talons move as she intended .
24 He 'd lost weight , his eyes were staring and red as if they 'd been rolled in grit , and his clothes hung on him like a scarecrow 's ; it was almost as if , in the course of the past few weeks , he 'd been drained of the zest and the energy and the sense of confidence that she 'd steadily been picking up .
25 The idea of siphoning the matured learning of the Universities to the industrial and agricultural areas is as fresh and germane as if it had first been thought of last night .
26 This was a trick question , because of course no one does anything like that to themselves ; both of Boy 's eyes were as black and blue as if he was still wearing yesterday 's makeup .
27 Two of the brass chandeliers suspended above the nave gave a gentle diffused light but the church looked dimly mysterious compared with the glare of the passage and the figures of Massingham and the detective sergeant quietly conferring , of Miss Wharton and the boy patiently sitting like hump-backed dwarfs on low chairs in what must be the children 's corner , seemed as distanced and insubstantial as if they moved in a different dimension of time .
28 It is unfortunate , then , that Bakker treats endothermy and ectothermy as if they were mutually exclusive , even suggesting that endotherms have a distinct competitive advantage over the others .
29 It gets more and more embarrassing to watch Dustin Hoffman coughing and limping as if he 'd come straight to the film from a Broadway theatre . ’
30 She hopped all the way home , arms wide and waving as if she was taking her first lesson in tightrope walking .
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