Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] that it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A police officer said his corpse was so charred and mutilated that it took more than an hour to identify it .
2 A police officer said his corpse was so charred and mutilated that it took more than an hour to identify it .
3 Whereas the house was darkly masculine in its Victorian confidence , Miss Hatherby 's music room was so light and feminine that it seemed quite out of place in the general heaviness and gloom .
4 In the control samples no one said the strain had lightened , five that it had remained the same , and six that it had worsened .
5 It stood about a quarter of a mile from the house in a triple circle of beech trees , an isolated building so small and perfect that it looked like an architect 's model precisely set in a fabricated landscape , or an elegant ecclesiastical folly , justifying itself only by its classical purity , as distanced from religion as it was from life .
6 In fact , the response was so uniform and repetitious that it started to irritate him before long .
7 First he 'd been crazy enough to subdue her with a kiss which , though it had begun in anger , had aroused a need for her so hot and instant that it had stunned him more than her slap , and now this .
8 She treasured it , feeling that Paris , and all that it meant , was perhaps not quite over …
9 She told us that her sister had lost her home and all that it contained in the December tragedy , and was still in hospital .
10 She had married not just the man , she had married his job , and all that it involved .
11 Far more significant and revelatory was the arrival of the wireless , in the sense that it meant for the first time the voice of the outside world and all that it encompassed — good and bad — was heard throughout this enclosed community .
12 At breakfast together Fisher exploded and attacked the Church Union and all that it stood for and said that they had done great harm and ought to apologize .
13 When it was certain that the City of the Horizon would collapse , and all that it stood for , I wrote to him , to try to get him to save himself .
14 The floor was even harder and colder that it had been before .
15 It had grown so wild and unruly that it threatened to smother all the flowers .
16 I chested my way through and stood panting and blinking in a glass-walled theatre of spacious light , the air so dustless and oceanic that it showed you only the dirt in your human eyes .
17 The voice was so absent and tired that it took some of the chill from the words .
18 That gesture was so unexpected and beautiful that it remained in Agnes 's memory like the imprint of a lightning bolt ; it invited her into the depths of space and time and awakened in the sixteen-year-old girl a vague and immense longing .
19 Numbers are very small , and of course tabular data are only an extremely crude summary of a very complex range of feelings ; however ( excluding those whose attitudes were not known or impossible to summarise ) , it appears that three carers in the action samples felt the strain had lightened , four that it had remained the same and five that it had worsened .
20 And so happy and excited that it did not occur to her to worry about the devastating effect Paula was having on Edward .
21 Why this silence , a silence so unexpected and inexplicable that it screamed ‘ Listen to me ! ’
22 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
23 It was as though all the pain and grief inside her was so heavy and immense that it had totally stunned her .
24 It was a look so burning and intense that it had left her fearful and uncertain , and it was only by immersing herself in paperwork that she had been able to recapture some of her habitual calm .
25 Of the forty women , twenty-six claimed that they worked harder than their husbands , seven said the men worked harder , and seven that it depended on personality or on the kind of job the husband had .
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