Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There are , at present , approximately 13,000 students on advanced further education courses in the Principality of whom probably half or less are in the colleges and institutions .
2 IV or Four was on the door to the right and round the corner on the left was the Handwork Room , the Headmaster 's Study being on the extreme right next to the bathroom and opposite the Staff Common Room .
3 And that is for the most rapidly accumulating chalk .
4 Is that all that that thirteen thousand five hundred is targeted for , and that is for the four meetings of the County Council each year , when there will be a public er question time .
5 Individual chief constables may in the light of particular circumstances , consider that their drugs officers should in fact be armed and that is for the decision for as I say the individual chief officer .
6 Mechanisation of the USA has got wheat production to 44 per cent more output than input , but a substantial amount of this is fossil fuel and that is at the farm gate .
7 There the finite mind of man , which is but a fragment and form of the Infinite , discovers its true identity with the Absolute — and that is at the same time the return of the Absolute to itself , its own self-realisation .
8 " You must wear it always , dear , " she added , " and take good care of it , for there is only one other like it in the world , and that is at the bottom of the ocean with your sainted Uncle Pedro , God rest his soul . "
9 This , by the way , erm , it it is applied with this study , and that is during the thirties , particularly on the , well it it actually carried on into the forties , but but the , there was a almost a character in many plays , where one one character was , in effect , the family black sheep .
10 Erm I have one other criteria which I would suggest you 'd need to take into account when considering the general location of the new settlement around York and that is to the need to what I term in my er planning submission , to plan for success .
11 Now My Lords I realise that some of your Lordships say well that 's not gon na happen , but if if I could come to one other point My Lords , where I think there is fairly , fairly universal a agreement and that is on the whole smaller organisations work better and if you have a police authority for instance of thirty or forty people , that 's not a very handy body of people to work with and if it 's smaller it is better .
12 There is one area in which costing systems can do no more than provide the raw data , and that is in the treatment of overruns , variations and claims , which can often only be quantified by a detailed interpretation of the data recorded in the system .
13 We have one Economy 7 heater in use and that is in the hallway .
14 That guarantees that the consumer feels safe with our food supply and that is in the best interests of all our chicken producers .
15 And that is in the teeth of the partition of three thousand four hundred signatures from local people and urgent requests from those communities that the County Council allow the Secretary of State full discretion in this matter to call the matter in .
16 And that is in the teeth of the stated wish of these communities .
17 Your Royal Highness , it follows to me er Council have debated the Riding Report er a lot of it they did not accept , many of the ideas were referred back for further reconsideration and that is in the hands of the Central Management Committee at the moment and we are proposing to develop the ideas and come back to Council and the wh whole report is not forgotten .
18 What about her groceries being cheaper , and that is in the long run !
19 On the other hand , I hope I am right in detecting a reduction in one source of noise and that is from the otherwise frightening motor cyclists who work for messenger firms .
20 And that is against the advice of Government in its circular advice to the coal industry and indeed to the County Council .
21 Neighbours , I believe , should know their place — and that 's on the TV , not in the back garden .
22 it 's arrogance and inflexibility which has led us to where we are today , and that 's on the brink of the crisis .
23 Lazzards New York managed to maintain their figures of last year in dollar terms and if we take the Lazzard houses as a whole we 're second only to Goldman Sachs now in the erm in the M and A table internationally and that 's on the value of bids on which we 've advised .
24 Now you just said you 've got your own property to sell and that 's on the market at the moment okay , erm have you had any advice on mortgage and what we should be able to obtain on the mortgage side of things ?
25 and er erm I 've only got one vertical and that 's on the patio and of course it 's within his reach
26 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
27 They 're the same now as they were in the fifties when making presentations and that 's about the skills you need when you stand up to speak and the skills you need in the preparation phase so the two towers of presentation skills are about the preparation and the presentation itself .
28 And that 's about the current size of ICI 's business in acrylics .
29 Remember there 's only one way to get out of St James 's Park and that 's through the Horse Guards Parade gateway into Whitehall .
30 ‘ The new production quotas have stirred up a hornet 's nest — and that 's without the added difficulty of a flu epidemic . ’
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